C208B Grand Caravan EX Mods General

Does the ITT still follow the temperature time constant variable when the engine shuts off? If so, then my second question would be, is it possible to adjust the ITT time constant variable on the fly? Because what I’m thinking is, while the engine is off the ITT time constant could be much lower so that its much slower to fall back to ambient. That way you can still have the current highly responsive time constant while the engine is running. I doubt the ITT variable can be controlled on the fly though. Which is unfortunate because I don’t see any heating or cooling constants you could tune for ITT like the oil, coolant and CHT has.

@fbachian Unfortunately i do not know how to reproduce your issue. I am getting reasonable range of torque on my setup. You need to dig into this deeper and see how to reproduce the issue. Please test only with c208 mod. Your community folder should be otherwise empty (just to eliminate interference with other mods)

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Bingo! I finally found the mod that was causing this issue. It seems like the WT G3X mod, when activated, makes the C208 TRQ behaves like that.

Are you or anyone able to confirm that? Is it possible to fix it or do we always have to disable the G3X mod before flying the C208?

The C208 does not have a G3X – so why use it? The 208 has the G1000.

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I think he meant the WT G3X mod was installed in his community folder, used by other planes, but created a conflict with the C208 by doing something “in the background”… but if it is confirmed and reported, maybe WT can fix this, they seem pretty good at listening to the community and providing fixes!


I have the WT G3x mod active but it has not caused any problems with the C208.

Can you confirm you also have the other WT mods (CJ4 and G3000)?

@NewoPL are you able to reproduce the bug?

i need to download it. i will try when i have a moment.

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Actually the G3X is causing the incompatibility. Please, try it if you can.

Unfortuantely i do not observe your problem. I am testing with
G3000 rel 0.7.6 and
G1000 nxi rel 0.10.1

I think the problem is with WT G3X, not G3000.


Does anybody know what the G3X mod is good for? Have tried to figure out the differences between King Air’s stock G3X and WT G3X and IMHO there is next to nothing. The changelog on the WT site promises things which simply are not implemented anymore.

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The King Air doesn’t use the G3X.

I am pretty sure it does.

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it does indeed use the g3X touch

Excerpt from its “panel.cfg”:

// Panel Configuration File
// Beechcraft King Air 350i

htmlgauge00=NavSystems/AS3X_Touch/AS3X_Touch.html?Index=1, 0,0,1280,800

Oops, so it’s an AS3X which I guess equates to a G3X in Asobo’s mind but it’ certainly doesn’t resemble a proper G3X. It’s got no knobs for a start and an aircraft like the king air would never have a G3X IRL. I knew there was a reason I stayed away from it…

I think it was a used as they didn’t have the avionics modelled for what it should have had, Rockwell Collins Pro Line 21? Perhaps that was due to licensing issues?

Might be G3000 as well because I do not have G3X mod installed but I experience the same issues… or some other mod.

I still have no luck reproducing this issue. i tried both g3000 and g3x. diffrent altitudes, RPMs. there must be something more to it than just this wt mods.