Search for the following (enter it in the controls search box):
- For the starter: “Magneto 1 Start”. In case you want you can additionally also map “Magneto 2 Start” on the same button or a different one to use it with twin turbines like the B222.
The following are a bit tricky as different helicopters use different methods (MSFS addons are not standardized yet):
For governor activation: “Rotor governor switch on” and “Rotor governor switch off”
For increasing or decreasing governor RPM (in helicopters supporting it): “Engine trim RPM increase”, “Engine trim RPM decrease”, “Increase cowl flap 4” and “Decrease cowl flap 4” (the last 2 are only needed for Flyinside B-206)
For power twist: “Set helicopter throttle” and “Propeller axis”
For idle detent: “Cut helicopter throttle” (this is only needed for Cowasim 500E)
If you want full support you need to use an external application like Spad.Next as the next addional command needs to be mapped for twist to work on Bell 407 and it is not available in game menus: “Collective grip axis”.