Call sign and tail number

Is there a way to automatically assign a tail number and call sign that will apply to ALL aircraft?

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Hi @Patirish2,

In free flight:

So far, this seems to have worked for me.

Moved to User Support Hub

To me it seems that whatever i fill out here, the sim will give me a random tail number.

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It gives me a random tail number also, based on the country where I start my flight.

Same issue here, always random tail numbers nomather what I enter in the Aircraft identification tab. Seems strange why it would have such a feautre at all, and the fact that it seems to be bugged is not great…

I also cannot get the custom tail number to stick. When the aircraft loads, it’s some random number.

The first day I was able to load the sim (Nov. 20) I put my tail number in and it worked fine. Since then it defaults to a random number every time I load a flight. Re enter my own tail number and it doesn’t work. So, it went from working, to not working.

Does not work, I’ve tried multiple times and I just get a random tail number.

Yet ANOTHER basic function that we are forced to find as BETA TESTERS. This is not something hard to discover as a DEV working for MS or Asobo. Just poor QA and reliance on the PUBLIC to report it because they DO NOT test aircraft they just PRAY they work. Case in point is the reversed TRIM AXIS controls in several aircraft which would have been discovered on just ONE flight in each one. ONE. Shameful.

I’m having the issue that ths sim thakes my defined c/s but adds 2022.
I’m flying with the FBW A32N ca/s CFG002 the sim calls CFG002 2022.
