Can co-pilot notifications during discovery flights be toggled off?


Is it possible to stop these notifications during discovery flights please?


Hi @MajorAlan70. You post is actually a Wishlist item, not a bug report. The sim is functioning exactly how it is programmed to, but you would like it to do something different. I also reworded your thread title to make it more like a Wishlist question to the developers. Hope this helps.


Have you tried pausing the entire sim to go to the assistance options and manually turn them off?

Hello, Thank you for your suggestion but I don’t see a specific option for this kind of notification :man_shrugging:


Is that from inside the discovery flight? or from the main menu?

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interesting, options are differents when flying discovery flight :

but we cannot change anything when we fly or not :man_shrugging:

Yeah, well there’s your answer. The discovery flight reset the assistance to be enabled and no way to disable them. It is what it is.

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