Can I delete scenery and reload with content manager

I recently reinstalled MSFS but did not install all of the world updates since I don’t use them all. I noticed all a awaiting download in the content mamager. Today I downloaded WU XIV but don’t plan to use it right away. Can I delete it in content manager and reload it when I want it later?

Yes you can.

Yup, you can claim them from the marketplace anytime to get them unlocked for your account, and you can uninstall and reinstall them anytime you want.

That’s what I do anyway, I actually uninstall everything from my content manager to keep my MSFS to be as light as possible (leaving only the mandatory contents that cannot be uninstalled), and only install the specific content that I want when I want it. It also keeps my hangar to be as small as possible and not littered with aircraft that I’ll never use.

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