Can I install the VFR France obstacles and Trademarks pack or would it be a conflict in MSFS 2020 with the world update?

Hi there, Can I install the VFR France Obstacles Trademarks pack or would it be a conflict with the world update? Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.

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Hopefully an official answer can be provided in Mise à jour d'Obstacles & Repères VFR suite World Update 4 - Installation - Updates - VFR Network - Forum, although it’ll probably take some translating between French and English.

I have the same question myself btw.

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Actually the very first paragraph by the devs translates as:

World Update # 4 has logically caused a number of duplicates or conflicts with some of the objects in the Obstacles and VFR Landmarks scene.

So we started to prepare the update of our product to adapt it to the new environment. It should be made available by May in order to await a maximum of feedback but also certainly a first batch of corrections from Microsoft / Asobo.

Which sounds like good news to me.

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Currently it removes the Eiffel Tower but they will probably patch it soon.

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