Can I leave the SU11 Beta now that the live build is out?

Basically title. Does anyone know if leaving the beta will create issues now that SU11 is out and beta users were moved to the public build?

While I can’t speak for the MS Store version, I switched over from the SU11 beta to no beta this morning in Steam and absolutely nothing untoward happened, not even a tiny download of the Steam MSFS client. :slight_smile:

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Yes. Now is the time!

I wouldn’t leave the beta because if you stay in the beta you will automatically be in the next Beta if you leave you will have to later on get back into it again that is why Jayne said better stay in the Beta so you sure you are always in the Beta unless you don’t want to test at all anymore then you better leave. But basically the beta is now the release version until the next beta drops

Imagine my shock when leaving the beta completely deleted my whole MSFS2020 install, lol.

Really? Is yours the Steam or the MS Store version? If the former, I am very surprised but if the latter not so much.

If you have the MS Store version and you have everything (including content) installed at default location, this is a known issue. It’s in the beta joining instructions:

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It was at a custom path and it deleted all traces associated with it. What you’ve shared was applicable for SU10Beta, not for SU11. But it doesn’t matter. Thankfully the reinstall seems to have been needed anyway, got a huge performance boost out of it.

That was taken straight out of the SU11 beta instructions.

Unfortunate that it did that to you despite a custom install path though.

Like I said, it doesn’t really matter as my sim seems to have needed a reinstall.

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