Can I safely delete MSFS Airbus when running the FBW Airbus?

I have this almost anäl need to start cleaning out airplanes I never fly. Does the FBW Airbus (I know it’s a separate choice now) rely in any way on the Asobo one being installed, or can I safely delete that one?

I can just try of course… but well… no harm asking before I end up in misery…

the originals Will be redownloaded at updates ,just leave em there…

Well, you can safely delete the Asobo planes through the Content Manager, but they can of course not be used as AI anymore and certain landing challenges or flights can not be loaded. And NO,as SteveOhhNo stated, they will not be downloaded again as updates. However if you want to reinstall them again, they will be updated to the latest version. Deleting unwanted content saves loading time and updates will perform faster. You can do the same with for instance flying lessons, landing challenges, areas you never fly and bush trips. You can allways reinstall them again if you change your mind.


And I think in the info box it is stated that it needs a minimum version of the Asobo A320 Neo. So I just would assume that it is needed.

Due to the fact that you are using a modification to an existing aircraft, the base aircraft should not be deleted.

That’s what I thought too. In the sim it seems to be separate from the original Asobo one. And a lighter install with less bloat might lead to some more speed.

But there doesn’t seem to be consensus on this one.

I did the things I mentiond before and it runs flawlesly for month and yes, it’s a seperate one since FBW v6 if I remember correct. The FBW will also be used as AI, but can not be used for landing challenges or missions.

Okay, well, I’m not unadventurous when it comes to computers, so in that case I’ll give it a go!

Remember: uninstall through the Content Manager. Do not just delete files!

If you want immersive AI traffic with airline livery, you shouldn’t remove the default A320 because it has all the necessary files to render an AI Traffic properly.

But if you only want to fly alone in the FBW A32NX without any traffic, or just have the generic traffic. Then by all means, delete the Asobo A320 from the content manager.

I myself keep them, because for every livery I downloaded and used for my FBW A32NX, I have to set it so that it can be usable as a Live Traffic as well, so they always appear in the correct livery at all times. So I keep both A320 and A32NX.

It’s especially true since I restructured and reorganised my Livery collection to be installed as A320 but the FBW just “calls” the livery texture files from the A320 for the A32NX. So that I can only keep one copy of the livery texture files, but usable on both aircraft as well as for AI Traffic.

I only have ‘live traffic’ enabled. So that’s not really an issue. I haven’t gotten around to the livery part, so that might turn out to be an issue, but then I can always reinstall I suppose.

sad to hear that. I too wanna get rid of the default airbus.

Live Traffic is merely downloading the data of real life flight number as AI traffic coming from Flightaware. It’s just ICAO Airline Code followed by Flight number and position as well as flight plan. And the sim spawns the aircraft and simulates them as AI traffic. But without liveries, they’ll just show up as a generic aircraft with the plain liveries.

If you set up livery structure like I do, Live Traffic will spawn as the default A320 all of which have matching livery. So BAW Live traffic will spawn as A320 British Airways using my British Airways livery. DLH will spawn as A320 with Lufthansa Livery, and so on… It’s really immersive for me this way.


Yes, I removed about six files through the content manager. One gigabyte in total.

So far so good: after a restart…

Now let’s see if it flies…

Ah, so that’s why they’re all ‘generic’ whenever I see one. Lack of liveries?

I must say, live traffic is disappointing in my case. Apart from the liveries. I hardly ever see any traffic at all. Might be due to the areas I’m flying in and the timezone. Flying somewhere where it’s actually night, but sliding it to daytime might give few planes.

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Well using the time and weather slider won’t help. Since you’re still technically flying night time in that area. Live Traffic spawns flight as of right now when you fly it for that area. But yes, usually night flight on airports are low on traffic, especially during the pandemic right now.

So, try to fly in busy airports where Covid is under control, and during the day, just keep an eye out for the green aircraft icon on the world map, if you see them flying around near an airport, spawning in there should let you see a few Live traffic.

I did a flight today from Bali, and the airspace and airports are packed with Live Traffic. Even I had to wait for my turn to take off.

“Generic” is the model they used. Because technically, the sim is designed so that if you have a specific aircraft model (B738, B777, A350) and the Aircraft ICAO designator match between the data for the Live Traffic, the sim will render that Live Traffic using the matched model. But if the ICAO aircraft type is not found in the sim, meaning you don’t have that model. The sim will use the “Generic” model, which is the low-poly jet airliner with basic livery that you see from time to time.

What I did was to Force the sim to use the A320 model as the generic. So no matter what the aircraft type is coming from the Live traffic data, it will always render it as the A320 since that’s my new “Generic” model to use. With the model settled to use the A320 no matter what, all it needs is to find the matching livery. So it loads the correct livery that I have.

Otherwise, if they don’t find a matching livery, it uses the generic A320 livery that I have overridden to use the 3 big alliance liveries, SkyTeam, OneWorld, and Star alliances.

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Yes, that worked. No problems flying.

Hmm interesting… I’ve never ever seen live traffic more than 2 or 3 planes. Yesterday I did Sapporo to Narita and saw 3 JAL planes in total. Nothing else. That didn’t feel right. But it’s always been like that.

I guess it’s just a matter of luck and how good your connection to the server is. Even today, I’m getting ATC calling me to report traffic in sight while I cruise, and a couple of times, I’m intercepting AI traffic at FL380 while the traffic at FL360 crossing our path. Can even see their contrails too.

Yeah, I don’t really mind, but it would be more fun with loaded skies.

How do you force the sim to accept the Airbus as the ‘generic’?