Hey gang,
So sorry if this has been asked and answered, I’ve googled it a dozen different ways and haven’t seen my exact question.
Basically, I want to fly a long-haul IFR flight plan across the globe, but I obviously don’t have 10+ hours to fly in real-time. The “Travel To” feature seems like it would be perfect solution, but even when I highlight individual waypoints, it only allows me to choose from (from memory) Takeoff, Cruise, descent Approach, Final, and Taxi. Well I’ve reached cruising altitude within a few minutes of my flight, but next option, Descent, jumps me ahead like 95% through my flight plan, so I end up missing 90% of my flight.
Is there any way around this? Any mods or anything that allow you to jump to specific points besides just those basic presets?
You can speed up the sim if you want to.
Which is an excellent answer if the question had been, ‘Can I increase the sim rate?’
Well. Uh. Yeah. I know. That’s not really the same at all. Even at speed 3 a 12 hour flight would still be 4 hours to fly. Not to mention navigating and communicating w/atc at that speed.
So I’m hoping someone out there has done what I’m asking about somehow!
Yes there are programmes which allow you to choose exactly where to spawn. Flightshare is one, you can get it on flightsim.to
So I am struggling to see why you would want to plan and fly a 10 hour flight and reduce it ‘because I don’t have the time’
You could say the exact same thing about the sim rate. “Why play the game if you’re just go to fast forward through everything?” Or the limited Travel To feature. Why include anything that manipulates the real world flying of an aircraft?
Perhaps because this is still at it’s core a video game and thus a distraction and entertainment, I shockingly do not have 10 hour uninterrupted blocks of time to devote to recreations of non-stop transatlantic flight paths. But, I also enjoy the unbroken aspect of not landing a 777 or A330 every 45 minutes and maybe skip over the 4,000th mile of the Pacific? At night? At 42,000 ft? If that doesn’t make sense, I truly envy you of your free time.
Back on topic, I came across a wonderful lightweight little mod called Flight Events that essentially tracks your flights and allows you to teleport anywhere on the map. Downside is, it does not recalculate your fuel or time of day, but I’m happy doing those rough calculations and it works great. Recommended!
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I am now struggling to understand the OP after this reply
I’ll leave it at that ….
There is a “travel to” feature, already in sim - it’s in your toolbar and is exactly named this way. Probably you have to activate it at the toolbars gear icon, however it looks this way:
Select “travel to” from there and select one of the points available (DESCENT for example or the point prior to descent on the path).
The sim will ask you if you want to fast forward to this point and if you want to keep your current time or if you want to take time into account.

After that the sim will load you to this point and you can continue.
The only downside is that this will cause havoc on complex aircraft like the PMDG 737 as it will basically mess up the FMC and other functionalities which you then have to restore. On the default aircraft it should be working fine as well as on low end payware (Captain Sim)
I wouldn’t stress yourself, bud.
I see you did not read my OP all the way. 
I mentioned my issues with Travel To, its a great concept but poorly implemented.
Well, maybe I did not read properly but still there are more points than you mentioned.
At least you did not read that I mentioned “the point before descent” as you can select any waypoint on the graph and you are not limited to the 6 predefined choices.
Also my warning applies to any tool that let you skip ahead - complex aircraft will struggle with being teleported anyway.
Read my reply I didn’t say I was stressed
What’s interesting, at least in the A330 mod I most frequently fly, is that it seems like the teleport feature causes fewer problems than the Travel To.
When I would use Travel To, my fuel would almost always be empty and my pfd and other displays all would be off! Even with more than adequate fuel selected. Not a deal breaker, but still a touch annoying.
With this mod, I appreciate being able to select anywhere on the map and have the plane appear exactly at the indicated altitude.
Of course then you have to make your own fuel adjustments but that freedom to choose is very nice 
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