Can not control the plane in the runway when I am Landing

When landing with any plane, once I touch down, the plane leaves the runway automatically and I can’t control it AND keep it on the runway, can someone tell me what’s wrong?

X-wind? How is your rudder axis? Is maybe not centering correctly?

all te planes, all the airport as soon as I landed , the planes goes aside , my Axis is ok , could be something automatic ? that I need to shut off before the landing ?

Can’t think of anything. On small GA planes the nosewheel steering is on the rudder axes, airliners also in MSFS. Maybe there is an option to unbound the nosewheel steering and use a different axis for that? Can you control the aircraft during take-off roll and during taxi?

I don’t think it could be the issue but autopilot and yaw damper are OFF?

yess I can control 100 % the take-off smoothly without problem , I am using a Logitech joystick, flying also with no problem

yess they are off

Flight model set to Modern? There is a keybinding for autorudder try if that causes any trouble… Maybe its something weird with the A.I. pilot, sure it is OFF?

yes is set, and the auto pilot light is off with the keyboard “Z”, , where is that keybinding for autorudder ?

I saw it somewhere in the keybindings once, no clue what it does…

any way thank you for your help, see you Nijntje91

Maybe the rudder (and front wheel) is not centered. I have experienced that it doesn’t recenter itself automatically anymore since the last update. Check its behavior with the external camera.

Under Flight Instruments, four kinds of it. Toggle Autorudder has live binding: Shift-Ctrl u.

thank you I’ll try

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