Hi I am new to this site and have already read solutions for my problem so bare with me.
I want to start by saying I have tried ALL the solutions on this site. I have purchased London City Airport and have been charged the full not sale price. I can not download this purchase. The buy and download and buy tab are all grayed out on the airport I purchased and every other marketplace Airport, aircraft and all of the other add ins. I have tried all the suggestions mentioned on this site. Has anyone any new suggestions.
Many thanks
Just for clarity, I take it you mean an Xbox series X as I didn’t think it as available on the One X (I have a One X and can’t get MSFS)
I purchased online yesterday. Make sure that you are online as that might affect download. Also make sure you are logged into the correct profile.
I think, too, it may be broken. I successfully made a purchase earlier today and when I wanted to make more purchases from the Christmas sale, marketplace buy options suddenly became greyed out.
I opened a ticket and now it’s a waiting game.
Sorry I mean Xbox series X. I’ve just tried to uninstall then reinstall the flight sim but have had no success all marketplace buy and download etc. tabs are grey.
Thank you for your help.
Topic moved in to #bugs-and-issues:miscellaneous for marketplace issues. Title altered to reflect issue.
If you have been charged twice, please contact Zendesk and they will assist you with a refund.
Thanks for your advice. MS has refunded my money. I am still really disappointed as I can’t buy any add on as they are all greyed out and I don’t know who to complain to or sort this issue out. Does anyone else have the greyed out purchase tabs in MS Flight Sim 2020 marketplace, I am using Xbox Series X
Many thanks
It’s happened to me too, I made a purchase last friday but I didn’t get the download, although the money is showing as credits in my MS Store account, and like you, since then the BUY/BUY and DOWNLOAD buttons are greyed out in the marketplace (on PC). I’m going to try the instructions in this link tomorrow (contact support after 72 hours) :
Zendesk Instructions
I will bump up this topic, because right now I can’t download this airport from the marketplace (the version by the developer ORBX), even though I was able to use it 6 months ago (although on an older version of the sim, but still)