Can not use RTX HDR

It seems that the developers of 2024 have disabled the RTX HDR feature in the NVIDIA app. I’ve been using it in 2020 because the in-game HDR settings ignored my monitor’s actual brightness parameters, causing clouds and white surfaces to overexpose. NVIDIA’s filters, on the other hand, respected my monitor’s peak brightness (1000 nits), effectively preventing overexposure.

In 2024, the HDR does adhere to my monitor’s maximum brightness, which is great. However, during night flights, when I turn the camera to dark areas inside the cockpit with no light, the in-game HDR settings aggressively Increase the grayscale of the image to improve visibility in dark areas. This behavior is disgusting and worry.

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Do you have HDR turned on in windows when using the HDR settings in fs24?

Of course, it’s turned on. The monitor which I’m using is the AW3423DW, and I’ve always kept the HDR setting turn on

Have you tried the windows HDR calibration tool to set peak brightness for your display?

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I’ve tried it.
There are too few HDR monitor users, and honestly, I don’t expect this issue to be resolved—just like in the 2020, the default HDR configuration file assumed a peak brightness of 10,000 nits for all HDR monitors and users cannot change that value.

I’m not seeing that issue with my HDR TV, though monitors may be a different issue.