Can’t change airport or plane

I have a problem where I can’t change airport or airplane in World Map. It’s the same as I chose the first time I tried it. I have tried to uninstall the game and reinstall it, but it’s still the same problem.

When i search on the internet, some people say I need to delete a file names CUSTOMFLIGHT something, but I can’t find it anywhere.

Someone that maybe can help me?

Welcome. You might want to do a search of the forum before starting a new thread. There’s quite a few solutions to issues in here now.
Look through the thread listed below as there are a few fixes listed that should help. First, check to see if you have a non-ascii character in your windows user name. That’s a common problem. But some others listed here… I cannot load any different airport and plane - always the same airport and same aircraft - #76 by hobanagerik


Hi @Cra2ySwede,
Welcome to the forums!
Please utilize the search feature of the forum as we only want one topic per issue. There is already a topic on this.

Thank you!

A post was merged into an existing topic: I cannot load any different airport and plane - always the same airport and same aircraft