Can we create waterfalls with the SDK!

hello to all!
Reunion Island with the latest Mesh is really better than before! the Trou de Fer is really fantastic but they miss the vertiginous waterfalls!
is it possible to create them with the SDK ? :slightly_smiling_face:
The largest waterfall plunging into the Trou de Fer reaches 725 meters of cumulative height difference (4 jumps, the largest of which reaches 305 meters in height) which makes it the highest waterfall in France.


Where can I vote for this :smiley_cat:

Water can stream in MSFS, I have seen that. Waves are great… but falling water… Niagara falls does not look like a real waterfall. Some kind of physics model would be required… Guess you could do a waterfall with animation, but that would become long and expensive (big files), or it would have an unnatural regularity.

The proper way to build it is like clouds. Gravity + Particle models… I don’t know if a particle model can be exported from Blender without the animation frames (?)


Thank you for your reply ! I didn’t even know we could make clouds! I’m new to the SDK I’m not an expert! I find it strange because with P3D v4.3 I had managed to find free animated waterfalls for Reunion Island! I am a nob and I don’t know how to create a vote in this forum! Thank you for your answer :wink:

Yes and we’ll need to wait a little, before the future enhanced Simulator will work with universal particle systems (actual only rudimental implemented) and - then(!) - hopefully the SDK will allow us, also to use these planned Particle systems as own Scenery feature e.g. for more complex contrails, Waterfalls, Coast wave animations, Chimneys, Fires, Tire skid-marks & skid-clouds and (…), so many other Features, that where already a little possible with the older FSX simulator Engine & SDK.

Maybe in future also SDK may make possible, that we let jump some Chlidreen animated into Pools with particle based animated Water fontains :wink:

…Or what would be your ideas?

Always Happy Landings,
Captain Warstein


Designers using Blender can’t do clouds… MSFS does clouds and these are great.

Ideas… start simple ! put in the tides first, that is time- and season-dependent water level. Then you get level differences and water will need to actually flow. Designers could create locks, rivers, waterfalls, mountain creeks, fountains, avalanches, sand storms, camp fires, hail storms or a ticker tape parade with Blender.

When I would create a waterfall with particles and physics model using Blender - I haven’t got the skills yet - I would like the MSFS GLB 2.0 addin to put that in a format, which MSFS can read and understand. At this moment designers can’t export a particle model or a physics model from Blender. When that is solved… But you’re right, I agree we’ll have to wait for a full DX-12 release of MSFS. They’ll have to shade it and let the GPU do the work. You don’t want to go 10FPS when flying on a bush trip, just because there is a waterfall somewhere.