Can we get official comment regarding a hotfix?

doing a clean DDU uninstall and re-install is a real pain for me. I have some unique graphics needs and it involves a whole recalibration, blah, blah, so I dunno. Maybe I will reinstall.

I see, maybe wait and see if someone else tries it first or can’t you save those settings in a file somewhere?

Yes please, can’t use the sim until it’s hot fixed.


461.72 nvidia and have gotten an FPS boost of almost 10%
stutters only at the outset of a flight - while parked on the ramp. I always go to the external view and spin the camera 720 deg in both directions until the surrounding terrain is loaded and the FPS climbs to 55+
then do the preflight / engine start. I also believe a clean install of the video and sound drivers is a key - along with a restart , after any driver installation or sim update.
You really want to offload the ‘community’ folder too because literally anything in there could be a culprit and you would be chasing your tail otherwise.


This goofy performance is a known issue- well, partly known. They talked about it yesterday on the Q&A. I’m sure we’ll be hearing something soon.

They’re on it.

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Thanks for responding Mike,

I don’t know I now feel like a chump… I booted into the sim again and the text is fine, back to normal… But the two previous flights yesterday and today I had the fuzzy text.

I’ll keep and eye on things and capture a screenie if I see it again.

Try disabling “use latest preview openxr runtime” and see if that makes a difference for you.

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Lol no worries, this Sim, as much as I love it, can make us crazy sometimes and we tend to overthink or overlook things. We just need to take a deep breath to focus again.

Keep us updated if you come across that fuzziness again

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This is the most inconsistent VR experience I’ve ever had.
Had some really smooth flights yesterday.
Had me excited to go back in today only to be absolutely stutterfested to a crawl trying to pull out of Charles de Gaulle in the Longitude.
Certain places and aircraft just seem to perform better than others.

Which headset do you use?

I’m on Rift S

Not sure about rift S but I own both Quest 2 and reverb G2. I mostly use G2 for the sim because the link on my quest2 failed. Kept disconnecting and gave me stutters. I had to purchase another one and it works great. I use G2 since it’s more clear and smoother. Does rift S require the Oculus link?

this has been true since flight simulation

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Rift S is hardwired.

Ok didn’t know that. What’s your GPU and which nvidia driver is currently installed?

Rift S
Latest Oculus Beta
Nvidia 457.30 Driver

In Sim
100 Render Scale
Oculus Debug
service set-pixels-per-display-pixel-override 1.2

I have been active with comments on this Forum.

But, this last update has caused my FPS to drop from 14 to 24
FPS to 8 to 14.

Before, I have had a consistent FPS from my
I9-990K, 64 GB and GTX 1660 TI.

So the question that I need to ask myself is twofold.

  1. Did the latest update make a change in the FS2020 program to cause this decrease in my FPS?

  2. Did the latest update make a change in the FS2020 program to fix or update itself and my GTX 1660 TI is doing it’s best but cannot maintain a higher FPS output.

I don’t know how to answer this (or what the answer is).

But, I don’t want to jump on ASOBO for an error they made in the update. I’ll watch the threads (for similar complaints) and give ASOBO the time to correct any problems they decide are warranted from their Trouble Reports.

After all, I am running pure “Ultra” 4K. Unrealistic for this GPU.
But it ( plus the i9-9900K and 64 GB) has served me well.

1080ti is the bottleneck

That’s what happens to me if I try to increase the render scale by 10.

My gpu is 2080 super and I set my render scale in OpenXR at 90 and in game it’s set to 80 with mixture of high and ultra settings. With the airliners I know if I increase anything else it would be a stutter experience.

Also LFPG eats frames like a hungry lion. I actually refuse to fly there in 2D and VR until they optimize it or a developer creates one with optimization.

Have you tried to reinstall your nvidia driver post sim update 3?

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Indeed I just tried LFPG in 2D and its still a low performer.
As for my hardware…that’s as good as its gonna get until my 1080ti dies.
Luckily for me 80 render scale is still very much enjoyable, so I’ll try that.
I’ll also try the driver reinstall. :beers:

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I was doing okayish with my 1080ti, but kept the render scaling at 100 and other settings high for the most part. I was actually impressed with performance considering the demands I place on my system. But after the update, things are just annoyingly slower.

Now I need RS at 80 max and sometimes drop to 2k to get into big airports. Some cities I just can’t fly in without a pause-fest. I don’t know if the sim is heavier now or if it’s part of the bug that’s plaguing fliers now.

Sooner or later I’ll get a better GPU, but supplies are hard to find…