Can we have a weather Atmosphere and Environment update only please?

We need one more Update category: Atmosphere, Weather and Environment (AWE)

August 2020:
When MSFS came out I was stunned!

The aircraft were underwhelming from a accuracy standpoint, workers all over the place, vehicles on taxiways, my beloved planes not yet available, the UI - well - I got used to it.
But I loved it!
The main reason: Live Weather!
After decades of clouds synthesized based on METAR data, somehow merged to an unsatisfying whole, there finally was a weather system that - nearly - had it all: CU, CB, NS, AS, MIFG - you name it. Cirrus clouds were missing, but there were layers of high stratiform clouds that were satisfying enough.
I’ve put together a video from my early recordings to demonstrate what I mean.

With Sim Update 5 changes were made to the cloud rendering and the lighting, mainly for performance reasons.
As Live weather was solely based on the Meteoblue forecast model and thus - due to the inherent inaccuracies of a model based weather system - lacked the necessary accuracy for planning purposes and for online flying, following user demands MS/Asobo introduced with SU7 a Live weather system that integrated METAR data into the data stream.

April 2023:
The Aircraft and Avionics Update (AAU) worked magic on the respective airplanes, further enhanced with SU12. More AAU’s are to come. The Scenery has been enhanced by multiple World Updates. Features of the Core Sim have been enhanced with multiple Sim Updates.

And what about the atmosphere, where flying actually happens?

Live weather is admittedly more accurate in terms of where and at which height clouds are rendered in the sim.
But the “accuracy” of the cloud placement comes at the cost of:

  • being entirely cumulus centric
  • a generic look, at first glance identifiable as a gaming environment (cauliflower)
  • consisting mostly of one single cloud layer, occasionally added by some high “fluffs”
  • missing or not convincing high overcast
  • producing clouds with seemingly lower density than presets
  • lost variety in cloud depiction
  • no plausible storm depiction, including thunder and lightning
  • less convincing low overcast
  • less convincing convective cloudscapes
  • discernable METAR areas

Fjords in Norway are still covered by solid ice until late spring, although they never are irl, coastal areas are covered in snow although the seldomly are. Innsbruck is still covered in snow, even at 20 degrees Celsius in spring. Seasons are still not implemented.

In real world flying, as I see it, there are three challenges:

  • mastering the aviation ecosystem (ATC, safety regulations, air laws, SOP’s etc, etc…)
  • mastering your aircraft (aviate, navigate, communicate)
  • mastering the atmosphere (in general aviation: go/no go decision; otherwise: proper risk assessment and strategy)

While I have no problem immersing myself in the first two items in the sim, the atmosphere leaves me bored. Massive cauliflower clouds inaccurately mimicking a warm front are a pain. Thunderstorms are mostly missing or have no impact on the flight. CU/TCU/cauliflower clouds everywhere make me yawn. Landing on a snow covered runway at 19 degrees Celsius is immersion breaking.

I could go on forever, but this post has become way too long already:

Should we accept an underwhelming simulation of the atmosphere and environment in an otherwise actively (dedicated personnel and timelines for AAU’s, WU’s and SU’s) developed flight simulator?
Or should we vote for dedicated Atomsphere, Weather and Environment Updates (AWE)?