Can we please display the Arrival Airport's current METAR?

I notice sometimes this displays at the departure airport, looking at the METAR display dropdown, but it would be useful to be able to see the arrival airport WELL BEFORE arrival, as in ANY TIME during a flight. I find when I look at 3rd party sources to give a clue what arrival conditions are they are different than what MSFS is showing upon arrival, and what matters most (to me!) is being able to see what MSFS’ most recent METAR information is so we can plan our approach earlier.


A lot of airports have an ATIS or automated weather station that you can tune in to using the aircraft radios, which will read out the current METAR/weather conditions at the airport to you! These weather reports should be pretty accurate because they are generated within MSFS based upon the current loaded weather. You can often pick these up from over 100NM away too, so they will help with your planning.

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Thanks, fully aware and do this, but this is a very unnecessary step since we already have a dropdown populated w/ METARS. Plus they’re not accessible until you get fairly close to the airport, not that it’s too far, but still… They just need to retain the arrival airport at the top of the list–easy peasy.

G1000 NXi does this today. Simply select the Destination in the FPL and it will display available METAR.

G1000 NXi mod, that wx is not from the sim, it is from a realworld source. what is being asked for here is for the actual sim wx which may or may not match other metar sources (and often does not match)

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It’s actually from in-game Live Weather, so it does match if you are using Live WX. It’s when you’re using Custom or Preset that it may not match.

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Just a suggestion - I use Little Navmap for most flights to help me with flight planning and flight following. But apart from that, LNM also has quite a lot of other useful resources including the ability to look up any sim airport and get full information which almost always includes a current weather report. Up to now always been pretty accurate for me.

I too use the facility in LNM as discussed but also I use the Pimarc GNS mod that gives the ability in the AUX option in the Garmin to display Metar of your destination airport at any time

but that is realistic !!

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