Let’s talk a bit about World Update airports. I really appreciate the world updates and the fact that we get content for free, but there has been something bothering me a bit.
It’s great that Asobo/Microsoft is hiring a veteran developer like Gaya for the airports, and they’re certainly better than the “handcrafted” ones provided with the initial release of the sim (those are quite hit and miss, and some still have bugs like bridges you fall through), but IMHO, the quality isn’t what one would expect from Gaya.
Some sticking points are the use of default jetways (which really look pretty bad and we get to see from very close), ground textures that show partially deleted aircraft silhouettes, and in the last batch, no taxiways are correctly labeled in code, so ATC doesn’t provide any guidance to and from the ramp.
The overall quality, as mentioned, isn’t bad, but respectfully, it’s not great. I’d give them 2.5/3 stars out of 5 tops on my usual airport review scale.
I do understand that Microsoft doesn’t want to stomp too much on the feet of third-party developers, but if the idea is to try to avoid their releases (as mentioned by Jorg yesterday), then there’s no need to hold the quality back.
Besides, it doesn’t make THAT much sense to offer an airport for free, if one who wants an actually good airport has to then buy it anyway.
Personally, I hope Microsoft will let Gaya go all out for future airports, including custom jetways and all the bells and whistles. If third party devs want to release the same airports, well, they’ll just have to do better If not, there are a gazillion airports available to make. There’s room for everyone without delivering things that are a bit sub-par, which IMHO is a pity.
Again, this isn’t a knock on Gaya. I’m a big fan of their scenery. They do great work and I’m positive that they agree with a level of quality with Microsoft and then stick to it. I just wish that that agreement was “do the best you can do” instead of what it feels like "do something pretty nice but steer clear of payware territory."