Hi there, I am wondering if you can purchase an Aircraft Radio without having a license? I’m interested in getting an radio that only has the Aircraft Frequencies…Although I would never transmit on those frequencies. Any help is greatly appreciated. TIA
Personal Comments and Observations
There are Apps that let you listen in on Live Traffic. Unless you really want to spend the money on a scanner.
Hi, @CasualClick Thanks for the reply… What apps would those be, Please?
This is not an app, but liveatc.net is somewhere I’ve visited.
XHDATA D-808 Air Band
XHDATA D-808 Air Band - YouTube
Xhdata D-808 Air band - YouTube
Back before the Internet existed, I used to have a radio scanner. It had a number of slots for plug in quartz crystals. These crystals had a specific resonant frequency they tuned. The scanner would run through the crystals, looking like and ALSF system as it did its scan. I was actually “tasked” with monitoring 121.5.
There was no Amazon, but an aviation store near the airport sold the crystals, along with the paper charts.
I have no idea what happened to that scanner or the crystals, but I wish I still had it. My parents probably got rid of it when I went of to college.
I also use this in our hangar, quite good actually
You cant listen to ATC in the UK
LiveATC has an app!
That a real bummer. It would be really fun to listen to the Heathrow controllers!
Absolutely there are hundreds of handhelds you can buy on all the pilot supply stores