Canadair CL-415 Dump Water

To scoop up water you need to have this switch down.

In SPAD you can set that with:
You’ll know when the probes are lowered as you will see two “DN” lights on the panel:

Setting it back to 2 to raise them:

To drop the water you need to use this button on the yoke:
It can be bound with:
Setting it back to “0” turns it off.

The way it drops the water can be configured on the panel with the following controls:

The right control must be set to “ARMED” to actually drop when the yoke button is pushed:
You will then see “ARMED” lights appear:

The knob to the left controls how the water drops, and there are many options.

SALVO drops all four tanks at the same time.
MAN1/2 allows you to choose whether you want the left pair or right pair to drop.
There are three “AUTO” options, which will automatically cycle the doors on an interval, that can be set between “0”, and “4” seconds with this control:

For example, if you have the interval switch set to “2”, and the “AUTO/4” configured, when you press the yoke button it will open doors 1, 2, 3 then 4 with a 2 second interval between them.

Whether its a bug or not, I noticed that after dropping water, then scooping again, the yoke switch won’t work. It seems you need to re-arm the dropping mechanism, even though it will still show armed on the panel, so what I did was have this config:

What this does is effectively “toggle” the switches from one state to another, in this case the arming switch from standby to armed with a 100ms interval, and the drop config away from 4 to PAIR, then back to 4. So now I can scoop, then drop, solely with two Logitech panel switches.

Some interesting observations. If you are travelling too fast or too slow on the water it won’t scoop. I’m assuming it is detecting whether the probes are in the water or not. Even more amazingly I noticed the tanks won’t fill evenly sometimes, depending on how the plane is oriented in the water. Quite impressive actually.


I tried a bit of firefighting in neofly4 last night and finger trouble might well have been the cause, with it being my first go, but is there a control setting, that you’d think might cause a constant state of “water tank open” in NF4? I’ve fiddled with the controls that might affect it and can’t seem to get rid of that tank status.

It might be an NF4 issue, so I’ve asked the question on their Discord, but wondered if you could think of anything that i might have missed? It’s not a major biggy btw.

Another tuto :

2 posts were merged into an existing topic: Where to find the MSFS2024 pre-order plane: Canadair CL415

Will other online users in FS24 watch that you are discharging water?, if yes, it is going to be funny…

In the same way that some planes discharge smoke, I guess so. It’s a particle emission. You wouldn’t need to be flying it, just have it installed I think, to see what others are doing. I’ve been on two group flights since buying it, and I saw one other person with it, but I don’t remember them commenting when I was water bombing the destination runway. :slight_smile:

What I would like to have seen is the option to colour it red.

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Maybe it is the option in 2024, the 747 supertanker with the HPG preview in FS20 the water was red. If yes, I am going to be refreshing “zones” to prevent fires then… hahaha

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I’m pretty sure you can do it already as some planes have coloured smoke. Not sure how to configure that, but it would be in the SDK somewhere. I’ll have a look tonight.

Defined here:

I don’t really know much about the “fx” files that define the emissions.

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Which default planes have smokes in FS20?, I never watched that in online, particles like their own designed wing steam vortices or their own engine smoke yes, so their own water particle is really feasible that it is there, if Asobo wants or the aircraft designer, I suppose.

for me doesn’t work probes on auto, anyone work it?

I only ever use states 0, and 2. I didn’t see state 1 do anything.

How can we download this after buying msfs2024 on Steam?
Couldn’t find any info after search.

Look in My Content. You should see it in the list of things you own, but do not have installed.

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No, i haven’t yet

@hobanagerik has posted a very good picture tutorial, in post #21.

Alternatively, check out YouTube or just follow one of the links posted above. There are now a fair few tutorial videos on there that will explain the controls needed to scoop and drop water.

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I’m not too proficient with SpadNext. I’ve searched for the commands you listed (B:INSTRUMENT…) but can’t find them. I assume they are LVARs. Do I have to download them from somewhere?

B events are simvars rather than LVARS specifically. And they are also actions, that are typically used for an animation as well as setting a value for something.

Does this also apply to FSUIPC7? TNKS

FSUIPC will be configured differently, but should reference those same simvars.

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