I have downloaded the plane. Flies nicely but I haven’t figured out how to dump water. Is there any documentation that anyone has managed to find?
Have you figured out how to scoop and drop the water yet?
Scoop yes. Drop no.
I’ve been looking on youtube, but have yet to find anything with any sort of guidance. There’s bound to be at least one out there somewhere, surely?
Same for me. Scoop good, have to use the emergency lever to drop.
Is there a manual?
I haven’t found it yet.
Drop button is on the yoke.
And you have to arm the drop on the up front panel before you use the drop button. (And you can also choose the drop program)
Microsoft Flight Simulator | First flight in the De Havilland Canada CL-415! (youtube.com) he learned it on the fly and helped me not to need to.
Nice one.
Is there a key bind for the drop button?
I have all this sussed, and I’ll update tomorrow when I am at my sim.
I’ll be all ears, especially if you’ve sussed out how to guide this thing on the water.
I’ve just discovered that MSFS lakes are about 12 inches deep and the canadair somehow got stuck on the bottom of one of them, near Munich airport.
Since it’s now a first party plane I now have a ton of bug reports to log as there are a lot of things wrong with it. Most are switches that don’t work properly, so more niggles than anything, but there will probably be close to ten I expect, since Asobo want one issue per thread so that’s one per switch, and other issues.
I have a SPAD profile published, which to be fair is 99% the switch panel, and will work best if you also have the multi-panel as I make use of the auto throttle switch.
You can:
Selectively start engines based on position of auto-throttle switch.
Using cowl flap switch you can either lower the probes to scoop water, or drop the water, depending on position of the auto throttle switch.
Have it got autopilot?, if yes where?. Is there a manual?
Any of these? I am SO tired of writing up bug reports, I’m trying to muster, but just can’t be asked.
Scooping up & dropping water is pretty stinkin’ cool, though!
I think that there is no autopilot. No manual that I have found so far.
Two of them, yes. The strobe light you can get to illuminate but it needs to be activated by a simvar. The virtual cockpit switch won’t do it. I’ll put that in the bug report for that switch.
I can read buttons like GPS FMS but no them or one to program it. Very funny to fly, eager to extinguish fires in FS2024, I miss an AP for travels also to other bases etc., I don´t know if real model has one AP, I guess yes. I also found how to fill the water, in payload upper menu, rise the payload slider.
What buttons do you have setup for dropping water it’s hard trying to use my mouse to push the button I would rather have a button on my yoke for it
As MS has stated that modules should be able to work just as well in FS2024 as in FS2020, it’s probably safe to say that the FS2024 version will be similarly flawed, albeit with more potential issues with what sounds like the promise of an EFB for all default aircraft.
The more worrying thing is that this is just the one aircraft that will have been opened up to “public testing”, so it doesn’t bode too well for the other new FS2024 aircraft, on release.
I always used to have a more positive outlook on life. Maybe it’s just another 4-5 years on my age that’s causing it?