I have tried several times to complete the first mission of the CL-415 extended attack without success. It is impossible to take off from Lake Castaic loaded… I have tried from the north, from the south, from the west, from the east, from above, from below, with flaps 10, 15, 25… with the probes raised, probes down… unsmokable. When a mission begins with the plane upside down, it is not a good omen.
If you can’t take off from the lake just crash and you’ll spawn in the air. Not the best solution but atleast you can finish the mission and unlock extended attack.
Every time I have crashed in the lake I have reappeared approaching the lake discharged…I don’t know if it will be viable but I will try.
In any case, it is something that should be solved but… I won’t say anything anymore because everything has been said about this simulator.
I always spawned in the air with a full tank. Or you can try this:
-switch the engine de-ice mode to off
-toggle the 4 bleed air switches to normal
I felt like the plane had more power when doing this and didn’t malfunction as fast.
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If you don’t reach the yellow TRQ engine indicator (even on take of) your engine will not die
For taking of with water tank fully charged you have to be on flaps 2 and never go below 80kts, don’t let your plane bounce.
When scooping try to keep 85kts (keep an eye on TRQ and ITT, dont exceed the green limit !) when finish: reach 88-90kts and gently pull the yoke
It’s true, the trick is not to go over the green arc of the Torque and the ITT and to maintain a nose-up attitude in the water. In any case, it is still difficult to leave with a loaded plane. I had the impression that this airplane was more powerful. … thank you all for your help.
Another way is to scoop your tanks full to let the mission go to the next step and then, while still gliding on the surface, empty one tank. There is a knob where you can choose not to drop all tanks when releasing the water. Althoug I doubt that in real life emptying one tank on the left side only would let your plane fly straight I was able to start with much less problems. 3/4 full Tanks was enough in all cases to extinguish the fires. The Quest tells me that “we are not full” and I “had to decide to scoop again or use what I have”. So I did the last thing and lived another day.
Everytime you respawn, the 415 is back to default setting… you need to put your condition lever (the smaller one at the right of the Power lever) to 100%. When you respawn after a crash the default setting of those condition lever is 80% of torque so it’s more difficult to take off with a waterload…