Cannot create a Passenger Transport company

I cannot create a Passenger Transport company even though I have fulfilled all the requirements and I have enough money.

Have you already completed the key mission in employee mode which unlocks after you achieved all requirements for the specialisation? You have enough credits to purchase the ES-30, if they not have blocked it now for the problems it causes in career…

What is the key mission?

The “gold” mission which exists for every specialisation and which you have to complete before you can start doing these mission types.

the golden square with the star?

Stars are some special missions, it should be a golden icon with some other symbol in it somewhere on the globe (there is only one per specialisation)

I’m not sure if they are the same for everyone, but I think I had a choice of two special missions, one was from KSFO to KLAX in California, US and the other one was in South Korea. Both with the 737.

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This was the same for me

Click on Passenger Transport company and you will see a couple of aircraft there. Check the cheapest one and add its price to the cost of the company itself (+150000Cr). If you don’t have enough money in total it would be grayed and unavailable for purchase. Unfortunately I don’t remember how much you need to buy it

The cheapest is the ES-30 with around 5 million credits. As @TopSky470679973 has over 10 millions, I already ruled that out (I thought that maybe the ES-30 is not available anymore, but it can be seen in the first screenshot).

Ah, I see, thanks. Then yeah, most likely there are still “Golden” passenger missions on the map