Cannot Download to 2nd PC

Brief description of the issue: I need some support folks - I cannot seem to download FS2020 from MS Store to a second PC (first PC works fine, 2nd PC exceed the req’d specs). Tech support and this forum provided the suggestions posted on the Support website for issues with downloading, still will not download, when I press “Install”, literally nothing happens while this image appears.

Image may contain: text that says 'Microsoft Store Home Gaming Enterainment Search Thank you! We're attempting to install on your selected device(s). You own this game, STANDARD Instail Ok planes wide-body realistic world. Create your More beloved simulation franchises. highly detailed and stunning aircraft an incredibly anywhere olanet Enjoy fiying day o night'



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Hi @dennisshepp,
I’ve moved your topic into Performance & Graphics as this category is for installation issues.

On the 2nd PC you are installing on, assure that the MS Account for it is the same as when you bought MSFS. In your Account online with Microsoft, there are listed devices that you own. If you don’t see it listed, it means that the PC you are installing on isn’t registered with them. They only way that happens is by using your same MS Account on that PC.

hmmm… would be good to know whether the game is ready to install/run it on different PC.
Example: does the cloud-storing differ between the two different PC settings ?

Thank you for your response - this is a different approach worth pursuing further, how would I check this - “cloud-storing settings”? I

I have no idea… not realy sure which part of all the involved components store Where then Which Data.

As example. I own the Steam version. Within the settings page I can see that there is current 1.55MB within the Steam-Cloud. But I assume this XBox stuff made additional its own “things”.

I find the way to check Steam cloud data…

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