Cannot get CRJ Lights to Work

Note, bugs should be reported to Aerosoft, not here. Aerosoft doesn’t read this forum

Thank God for some civilization for once.
Some others are cursing and saying that i am just hating on the product.
What you’re saying,is what i am trying here.

Forget the lights.I only wish for keys info inside cockpit.
But…their manual says clearly.PRESS L for lights,and IT DOESN’T WORK.It flickers the entire cockpit

ok sorry for being rude

i dont see any tooltips showing in this aircraft in any videos about it which i saw , so it is possible that aerosoft simply dont include them
but as i dont buy it for now , it is possible that i am mistaken.

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Aerosoft put a full tutorial flight on YouTube you can follow. I believe it’s under “The Dude”

I agree it shouldn’t be in there. That is actually good feedback, and I forwarded the correction to the appropriate people that are updating the manual. So I suspect it will be corrected to avoid confusion. And the tooltips recommendation has been passed along as well! :+1:

thanks.i will check it

Much appreciated my friend.The aircraft is a blast and that’s for sure.I just wish some “easyness” for us not so great pilots

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I’ve found a lot of stuff doesn’t work correctly the first time you load up the sim. I got mine from the market place – easier that way imo. Anyway, shut down the sim, check windows for any updates, run an antivirus scan, and restart your computer. That is how a lot of things were fixed on my end.

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This is why you have to read the instructions. It clearly says that it can take up to 10 minutes for things to initialize the first time you load it up

Maybe you must yourself learn to read properly.It says TO LOAD and not to initialize anything.
The load did happen and all is fine

i also have it from the marketplace.I have started the sim 3 times and yet no tolltips show or L key pressing lights work
Are yoy saying that you have tooltips above each button and by pressing the L key you have lights in cockpit ?

I don’t know about the tooltips because I have a mod that has turned them off.

With regards to “L” i’m not sure about that because I turn the lights on manually.

Cleaning up a few of the off-topic items here. Please redirect additional posts towards helping people get up and going with the CRJ.


The solution to your problem is to turn the lights on from the cockpit switches. Do not use the shortcut key. If that works then your problem is solved.

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