I had this bug and was able to do as Jummivana said and install those two things in the content manager. However, on the store it now says World Update II: USA as owned, but not installed like all the other content. There is a bug with this specific content. I’m not sure why it can’t detect that your version is greater than that which is required, but that seems to be the case. It’s a very annoying bug. I have screenshots of this in action if required. Presumably this is with the new update and can be easily reproduced by installing it on a new system. Kind of surprised your QA did not pick up on this. Do they not test fresh installs on new updates?
EDIT: Upon restart it now longer says owned and still doesn’t say installed.
I’ve just gotten around to the USA Update and I’m experiencing the same thing. It warned me about the version number when I went to ‘buy’ it, I clicked ‘confirm’ and seemingly nothing happened.
I went into the Content Manager and I could see 6 packages which I was able to download. This consisted of:
Points of Interest
Procedural Buildings
However I noticed there’s nothing for KDFW. Am I right in thinking it should be part of the update?
I tried deleting these packages from Content Manager to see if I could go through the Marketplace again to try and fix that issue, but it now says it’s ‘Owned’ as it should. However, now I can’t redownload any of them in Content Manager.
I then tried verifying my files through Steam. Bad idea…Don’t do that. Everything…and I mean everything, somehow got deleted, so now I’m redownloading 108GB of stuff.
So everything is back up and running, and I’ve managed to force download those 6 packages again, however still nothing to suggest KDFW has downloaded or working for that matter.
The USA Update is now also not showing as ‘Owned’ in the Marketplace again.
Same issue here, redownloaded the entire sim but nothing changed. USA update still only shown as available to buy and clicking on buy only brings up the version required dialog box
I’m asking this honestly, has anyone had a positive experience with MS Zendesk Support? If not, can we please stop recommending them as a solution to problems. I don’t know what their intended purpose is, but this clearly isn’t it.
Having the same issue as well but on the MS store version. Was able to get most of the content from the world update but seems like I’m missing DFW at the very least. I hope this gets fixed soon!
I quit playing this game because it keeps losing my top 25 landing scores and not updating the log book. I paid full price for this P O S, and now this issue with it won’t do the World II update. Where do I get a refund and paid for the hundred or so hours I wasted getting top scores? This is the way to kill a community. WASTE OUR TIME. FIX THIS, stop wasting my time with the same bugs AND THEN SOME since release.
Oh hey this is just AWESOME too, mods are taking new posts on this and tossing them away in the misc like this doesn’t matter. Way to show you really care about your busted product.
It’s the Only OFFICIAL way to report Bugs to Asobo/Microsoft
(unless you have a direct HOT-LINE and a good friend at Aerosoft )
I tried Zone_Desk once. All I got back was some auto-response type set of notes, that were totally irrelevant to the issue I was reporting, that was worse than Nothing, because it indicated that whoever replied, did not have a clue about understanding the reported issue.
So now I either figure out a work-around myself, or avoid that area where the issue is, until Asobo “discover” it and decide to address it.
Wasting my time, sending in more Zen_Desk reports, (to me) is INSANITY !! (I did at least try )