Cannot start Skyhawk

In 2024, I go:

  • Battery - on
  • Mixture - rich
  • Fuel cutoff - in
  • Fuel valve - both
  • Magnetos - both
    … and: nothing

Propeller doesn’t start spinning. Nothing happens

Have to admit I haven’t done the Skyhawk for some time but iirc that’s how you started it in 2020, right?


Have you ensured that engine covers are removed?
Or else you wont get enough air to the engines.

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I posted this in another thread, but one of the reasons I paid $130 was to get the basic C172 (I like realistic training with steam gauges).

  • If I kill the mixture and engine stops, it won’t start back up, no matter what I do.
  • Avionics won’t turn on except for the 430. Radios, AP and Garmin 530 are completely blank/dead. Avionics master buttons do absolutely nothing.
  • At night, panel lighting is MIA.
  • Can’t seem to pop out the avionics into their own window either, which is a shame.

This is on the basic steam gauge version of the C172. It’s just like completely broken.

Are you seeing the same thing? I can’t even turn on the avionics and radios!!


Not exactly. Try starting with C172 in the game. When you start on the ground at a runway, the engine is already running. Now pull the mixture to kill the engine and try and restart it. All you should need to do to restart is go mixture=rich, then engine start. It does nothing.

Yes. I did the preflight walk around and removed all covers, and wheel chocks

Also had no luck with the Steam gauge 172. Ignition key does not engage the starter.

Yes, I also like the basic version better for some odd reason, probably nostalgia or something! :smile: Never came around to start up avionics and radios but I can see if it works

Same issue here. The G1000 starts up fine but the steam gauge is a no go, even tried autostart and still does nothing.

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This is like the twelfth time I’ve said to myself, “I can’t believe they released it like this”.


same for me - can not start. Also can not bind avionics bus and fuel selector

Like… how does this happen? The basic C172 is an airplane that you have to pay $99 plus tax for the Deluxe version to get because it’s not included in the basic version. You’d think they would have QC’d the dang thing???

I get the server issues, which should resolve themselves as usage spreads out each day we get away from launch day… but correct me if I’m wrong here, this isn’t a server issue, this is a basic functionality issue for a very basic plane that costs EXTRA to get.

… just blows my mind… :man_facepalming:

Yea, it’s not a testament to flawless QA. One wonders how this got through the alpha testing?

Same thing here. I was starting to think it was me. How can we not start the most basic plane in the whole sim. This is ■■■■. But hey, I’m sure they tested autostart and 3rd person view on the 787 a thousand times to make sure the 10 year olds can have a solid experience flying them into buildings.

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If it is fuel injected, are you running the fuel pump with the mixture in prior to trying to start to get fuel to the cylinders? If normally aspirated, are you priming?

The starter doesn’t engage at all.

Wierd. I’m just firing up the Sim. I should have the steam gauge Skyhawk. I’ll give it a go and report back.

Guys, go upvote this issue that has been reported in the BUG section. I can’t believe I’m here confirming that the most basic plane doesn’t work. Who beta tested this, the CEO?

Will do. There is something wrong with the electrical. Almost nothing works. Also, can’t tune the COM Frequencies on the second Garmin. Was hoping to maybe request an ground start, but couldn’t tune ground to try.

Moved to User Support Hub Aircraft & Systems that is more appropriate for community support.

I’m also getting this with the steam gauge version