Cannot start the Game

First: Happy new year!

I installed the game on my new SSD. After starting the Game the first time i choosed a own Folder (on the new SSD) as target for the ~120GB Asset files. After the download was completed it will endless loading.

When I restart the game I have to set the directory again and it loads again.

I tried to reinstall the Game completely. It doesnt help.

In some posts i found a tipp to edit the UserCfg.opt and set the Path here manually.


When i want to edit this file, i get the following error:


(English: The APPX file cannot be accessed because it is not encrypted as expected.)

I think this is where the problem lies. Apparently file can not be written correctly?


Hi @Chr1seg,
Welcome to the forums!

Before you edited the UserCfg.opt file, what drive/folder was there?

When you do an uninstall and you are reinstalling to a different drive, make sure you do a clean uninstall.

How to repair or remove and do a clean install of Microsoft Flight Simulator on Microsoft Store – Microsoft Flight Simulator Support (

Hey @Hester40MT,

thanks for your reply.

I cannot edit the UserCf.opt file. When i start the Game there is the “default” Folder selected:

The funny thing is: I actually have the app installed on the E drive?! Then why does it actually want to install the data back on C?

A clean install results in the same problem, i tried it a few days ago. :frowning:

Are there files located here?:

Also, check this folder:
(and look at the folder icons - are they normal folder icons or do they have a “shortcut” icon?)

This Folder ist empty.

Normal Folder, no Links/SymLinks, see Screenshot.folder

OK. So from what I see, MSFS does think it’s installed on the C: drive (although it’s not fully installed as the “OneStore” should have files/folders in it.

If it was installed on another drive, “LocalCache” would have those symbolic links.

So, how do we fix this? Mystery… When you uninstalled, did you also remove all the files from your SSD drive related to MSFS? Is your SSD drive internal or external (USB)?

I removed MSFS2020 like it descriped in your linked Post. I removed also the folder i manually created and where the assets ~120GB downlaoded. Are there more folders to delete? I installed it on drive E but cannot find the folder where the MSFS is installed. There 2 folders:


Should i delete this folders too?

OK, I see now. :wink:

When you install MSFS from MS Store, don’t tell the MS Store where to install - this creates that WpSystem on your target drive and some have reported problems doing this. This creates a “system” drive and is tied to your Windows user account. If this drive loses any of that information it becomes disassociated from Windows system and Apps.

It is best to change the location to install to via the MSFS installer (so not MS Store).

See this post:
Marketplace Scenery | CTD - Bugs & Issues / Scenery - Microsoft Flight Simulator Forums

EDIT: On the link above, I posted how to remove that WpSystem folder - but before you do this, MSFS has to be uninstalled first and you must change MS Store app to use the default location rather than a custom location.


i removed the game from e:/ and reinstalled it on C. Now it works great. Thanks for your help and time.

Best wishes

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