Cannot turn on Avionics in G58

I just started to try to use the Textron G58 aircraft. I cannot turn on the Avionics. When I try to flip the switch to ON, the MFD flickers briefly, but the switch won’t stay on. I tried starting the aircraft in cold and dark mode using CTRL ENTER: The Avionics switch briefly goes to the ON position, but then back off and the MFD is dark.

Any ideas what could be wrong?

Moved to Community Support-Aviation, Navigation, Communication

Got something mapped to the switch.

Incorrect bindings.

With SPAD, I can see that the variable AVIONICS MASTER SWITCH goes from 0 to 1 and then back to 0, when I attempt to turn the switch on in the cockpit. I can also see that the event ELECTRICAL_CIRCUIT_TOGGLE is fired once every time I try to turn the switch on. I think that’s from the aircraft itself in response to trying to turn the switch on. It doesn’t explain why it toggles twice.

I found one keyboard mapping to “TOGGLE AVIONICS MASTER”, namely the PAGEUP key. I disabled that mapping and it made no difference. I didn’t expect that it would.

However, I just found the culprit. There were two keys on my Bravo Throttle Quadrant mapped to AVIONICS MASTER1 ON and OFF. I disabled those mappings, and now it works! I don’t know why that only seems to affect this aircraft. I never use those buttons on the Throttle Quadrant.

Anyway, thanks for the clue!

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I have a similar problem, when i load up the G58 the two MFD`s shut down after about 10seconds.
Has anyone else found a solution to this.

Check this out, maybe it can help you somehow

I cannot thank you enough.
Ity had never done that to me until version 13 installed.