Can't buy and download from Marketplace

after clicking on buy and download with code, system hangs trying to continue

Try starting MSFS2020 as Administrator it wouldnt let me purchase in the marketplace if i didnt…
Hope it solves it for you

I’m not sure what you mean by “with code”. When I have bought things I have usually added funds to my account externally, sometimes via a gift card. I then buy what I want with “credits”, that merely translates to a monetary value. I don’t know why they added that abstraction layer in there as I don’t see why it is needed.

I’ve never had to launch the sim as admin, but I know others have had luck by doing so, and there is no harm in trying it.

I have bought from Marketplace dozens of times before. When I select buy and download, I am asked to verify my identification. No problem here. Then when it tries to download it gets stuck. After a long time, I finally kill the download and it tells me there is something pending. There must be a way to clear the previous attempt, like clearing the buffer.

This support article may help: