Can't chose a Helicopter!

Just go with the Cowan SIM AS350, light, fast, and managable. Its the only Heli I fly in the SIM now. :wink::+1:


Ha! I’m late to this party!

Anyway…I would suggest either of the CS 206 models as a first addon. It gives you an opportunity to fly a 2-bladed teetering rotor system which feels different and quite a big sluggish compared to the articulated systems in the 407, and clockwise rotating (right power pedal) Cabri G2. It rounds out the “light single” heli experience in MSFS.

The 500E from Cowan or 530F from Shrike are both great options, and they are both in my “top” list of helis I fly a lot, but the experience isn’t that much different than the 407.