Can't chose a Helicopter!

I usually fly GA and have some Jet time but I’m really enjoying the Gabri and 407. OK I’m having RPM issues with the Gabri and yawing the 407 is pretty snappy but maybe that’s me!

I’ve been looking at reviews on the H125 and 222B and what strikes me most is how they look. They just don’t seem to be at the level of visual quality I’d expect, considering you can get the PMDG 736 for the same price! I’m also worried that some of the developers have stopped or rarely update these aircraft so now I’m wondering should I just stick with the native helicopters?

The below is what is available to me on the Marketplace. Is there a heli that has better visual or I just wait for something better?

I have several Carenado aircraft and I support them because they do update their products and they are great to fly. I’ve no issue in supporting a newer developer but not if they are just going to ignore obvious problems.

Search for FlyInside. They have a Bell 206 and 47G. I’m sure they are available in-game. I find them to be the best overall. Oh hang on. You’re on Xbox? So maybe they are not for Xbox then. Sorry for teasing!

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So, six of the eight above are actually ports from either X-Plane or P3D/FSX (Cowansim from X-Plane, Shrike from P3D as a branch off of Milviz). With that said, I very much enjoy the AS350, 206B3, 206L3, and the Got Friends Mini 500, though I have all of those on the list except for the Ka-10.

Additionally, the Bell 407 which was included in the MS/Asobo 40th Anniversary is a Nemeth product that itself is a port from P3D/FSX.

I recommend going to Shrike Sim’s website as well as Cownsim’s to read more about their products as well as known limitations.

With this in mind, Blackbird/Milviz is working on a native UH-1H Iroquois (“Huey”) coming “soon”, and there will also be a native CH-47 Chinook by another developer coming soon as well, if you want some alternatives.



I have the CS 222B, CS 500E and CS H125. I am not an heli pilot but the one I use the most is the 500E. Much more reactive with good interior visibility and good views (interior/exterior).
The others are fine. You can feel the difference piloting them. But I do not like the interior visibility of the 222B and H125. It is harder to land them on small platforms.

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Check out Hype Performance’s Airbus H145. All systems operable, flies like a dream, full autopilot, even local radio stations while you fly. Not in marketplace but one of the best aircraft in MSFS.

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I prefer to wait a real VIP chopper: The Leonardo AW109 GrandNew
When? I don’t know, I hope soon…


Hype heli seems to be great but they are not available yet on xbox!


A Day late and a buck short. You just missed the summer sale where CowanSimulation products were half off at about $16 USD. I own them all and enjoy flying them daily. H125 and md500e are my go-tos.

Are the resolutions the best on the interior? No they are not. Are they fun to fly and a great experience? Yes. Does it have to be perfect to be wonderful? No

If your flying with an Xbox controller you’re gonna want a HOTAS and rudders at the very least to truly enjoy the experience.

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I have all the helicopters on the list except the KA10M. I would say they are all okay, but none is outstanding.

Taog’s Hangar Alouette III, HPG H145 and FlyInside 206 and 47G are all better in my opinion, but it seems none of them is available on Xbox.

If I could choose only one from the list, it would probably be the Shrike 530F. Good price, good flight model and good graphics. But certainly not on the level of PMDG or even Carenado.

Are you on XBOX? Controller or flight stick of some sort?

Not for nothin’, but I bought a bunch of the CS ones on sale, haven’t spent a ton of time with them all but the 500E so far. I spend a lot of time tweaking the independent setups for each so until I feel I’ve tweaked it as much as I can I really don’t move on to the next. But I was suffering from bargainitis, so I have a queue…

I will say that I hadn’t tinkered with the 407 in quite some while and it is miles better than it used to be, and dare I say it, enjoyable to fly. I hadn’t flown it since it wouldn’t fly faster than 100KT. You may also want to play around with sensitivity curves and reactivity and other settings for a bit with the 407 too, it ain’t all that bad. Now that the 407 can get to 130KT, and the Gab is still generally excellent, the H125 in theory would be the next best bet to fill a void(faster top speed and gives you floats).

If you’re stuck like me on xbox and still using the controller I’d definitely get a stick first. The TM HOTAS is generally ■■■■■■ for aicraft but works GREAT for helis if you loosen it out all the way and the throttle is in a bizarre way ‘intuitive’ as a collective(after you put a couple rubber bands along side it). I have the TB flight stick too which is fantastic for aircraft but sucks for helis(way too stiff). If you’re flying with a controller, you’d get more out of the flight stick first before adding helis. The basic TM pedals I’m hit or miss on, the twist works quite well TBH. For helis I actually use the toe brake axis for the tail rotor as it’s much easier to modulate smoothly. The ‘slop’ is perfectly tolerable for standard rudder pedal actuation for aircraft(and you need the brakes).

If I were on PC I’d be all about that Hype 145, hands down.

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It’s the fullpriceitis that really hurts, so you’re good!


I have moved your post to the Helicopters category.

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Thank you for all your replies.

Sorry I forgot to mention I’m on Xbox X with Hotas 1 and TM pedals. But I can’t get smooth yaw/tail control…very clunky.

Have Carenado ever mentioned helicopters? I find their aircraft great. The Mooney m20r is fantastic, especially the sound so I’d imagine if they did it would be decent :sunglasses: I’m about to buy their PA28-181 or C170B, can’t decide :joy:

The 500E/F seem to be the better choice so I’ll review them and let you know if I purchase. If not I’ll just have to wait!

Good idea on the toe brakes! I have the Velocity yoke also but no pedals so I’ve on the TM ones.

There fine for aircraft as I used them before the V1 but no my Hotas is only for Helis and fast jets etc. The rubber band is an interesting feature so definitely check that out :+1:

I’ve set my sensitivities and all seems well bar the yaw as I mentioned. I’ve done several flights and the 407 can cruise at 130 no problem.

I’m really starting to enjoy flying helicopters and I just don’t want it ruined by a bad add-on, but I’m happy to fly the 407 for now

You can find a free version of Ka10 from the developer’s website. It should be the same as the marketplace version. It is a very different product and unlike other more conventional helis.

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It takes a bizarre sensitivity curve)centering for the toe brakes I’ll post a pic up later tonight if the setting(s). Works great

Here’s my heli core settings for the toe brakes, the profile I start each from, so probably a bit different for some helis. I only use tail rotor assistance, none on cyclic, and never a dead zone on it, even a couple percent can get you behind the heli.

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Thank you :ok_hand: I’ll give it a try and see what happens.

I have all assistance turn off but I noticed it’s still clunky when I use tail assistance. At first I thought this was the issue, maybe I was working against it but it’s not the case unfortunately.

I do have it on my wishlist, looks interesting :sweat_smile:

As I wanted to have more fun on helicopter, I bought the V1 rudder and it is really a great add-on to control a bit more your helicopter.
Here is a link to my channel with few videos with the 500E on xbox.

@JasonMuc2112, so far I haven’t seen good video of the 530F from Shrike. It looked too much like controlling RC helicopter. I would be happy to change my mind though!

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The Shrike 530F is less sensitive than the Cowansim 500E. You can adjust the cyclic sensitivity to compensate, but I like to leave everything linear.