Can't control Skycrane

I would like to ask for advice on how to control the Skycrane. I try to do the aerial construction mission, and I struggle to hover in one position. I have no such issue with h125, cabri or r66, but with the Skycrane it swings quite heavily and counteracting any movement just becomes more and more counteracting. With assists on is straight up uncontrollable, so I tried assists off, which helped somewhat. I use a hotas, I tried to lower the sensitivity, increase sensitivity. It is probably a skill issue as I didn’t see people complaining about, except of the bug with the ground effect. I didn’t have much issue during the certification, but there I also didn’t needed to hover in one place. I probably miss something, maybe I should use more trimming, which I tried but it kinda made it worse. Any advice is apprieciated.
Edit: This happens in free flight too, so its not career or mission related.

I know this is probably of little or no help but I find he sky crane more stable than the cabri/h125/r66 so, assuming there are no bugs and it just a matter of practice, I’d use the EFB map with max zoom level and keep practicing hovering (in heli missions this is also super helpful to know where to hover exactly).

Thank you for the advice. If you say it is controllable for you, then it is surely my skill issue. I did practice for a while, i think i tried that mission about 20 times now. I don’t have a problem to find the hover area (i also use the EFB zoom trick), but as soon as I am there and try to stay in one place, it drifts quite heavily and every input seems to be too much, no matter how i adjust the sensitivity. Do you use any assists?

No assist. It is true in some missions the wind is very high so that may make things extraordinarily difficult.

But you are lucky if it is just a skill issue cause it will only get better and it is quite rewarding :slight_smile:

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Hm, the weather seemed kind of bad most times I flew, so it could be that the wind is quite heavy. But the drifting is not really in one direction like a wind would be. As I try to stabilize it starts to drift somewhere, then I counteract, but then that makes it drift another direction and so on, i just can’t make it to stay in one place more than a second. I was thinking it might be something with the collective as well, maybe I should use the engine trim or something.
Well it might become better with practice, but I feel like that there is something with the inputs, because the inputs just feel very disconnected from what the aircraft is doing.
On the contrary, with the h125 i am able to land easy on chemical truck, fly precisely over crops, do cargo or hoist with no problem. There everything feels smooth. I know its much smaller, but I thought the smaller aircraft should be more sensitive to inputs and not the bigger ones.

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I agree then, there may be something off cause if you are comfortable with the h125 the sky crane should be easy peasy.

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I have the exact same problem
 Spent hours trying the golden mission in the Sky crane

I did dozen of missions in the H125 with S rating. Moslty oil plateforme missions.
I feel the Sky crane uncontrollable compare to all other helicopters.


Then maybe we have a similar problem at hand. For @MrtnMrc1948 the skycrane is controllable, so it is not a general issue. Maybe it has to do with our input profile or something. I tried many curve setups from very sensitive to lowest sensitivity but it didn’t really make much difference apart from how much I needed to move the peripherals, the skycrane remained uncontrollable. Maybe its something how the axis is handled for this aircraft and our peripheral, could be that with other peripherals it works fine.


Use only engine #1 (both for very heavy duty, like a container). :wink:

Then, ‘Ground Idle’ to use the hoist, ‘Full Open’ to fly.

Thank you for the advice. I wanted to try it out, but now I can’t get the mission to work. It says something about an engine failure and crashed to desktop, even though I just pressed the engine startup, and previously that was working. But I did notice that this puts both engine on full open. I wasn’t aware that one engine could be enough, or that i could select ground idle, so you already helped me better understand how it works. Hopefully I can get the mission work and try your advice.

I could get the mission work with manual startup, and using only one engine (one in full open, one in ground idle) helped somewhat in the flying. But even putting both on ground idle to hover didn’t really make much difference in the constant swaying and leaning. Basically I constantly “fall behind the aircraft” by trying to keep it stable in one position, resulting in just hovering all around the place. I guess I need to give it some more attempts. It doesn’t help that the mission is very buggy, if I restart sometimes it doesn’t work, and it also sometimes starts to flap around weirdly (there is a bug thread about it), so hopefully the new update will fix some of those issues, so I can retry easier.

Hi again and my pleasure to help. :wink:

Turn off the engine #2 and reduce the sim rate too, that helps a lot, during the two hoisting maneuvers in the first mission.

Don’t worry about the alarm, normally, it only yells if you try to fly with only one engine on, but at low speed, during hoisting, it stays quiet.

By reducing the sim rate (add this mapping if it’s not really did: search for sim rate in the settings and you’ll see for increase and decrease), you’ll be able to anticipate the movements due to the wind, mostly, and use the ruddles by pressing both and just release one of them (the one to where it turns too much) a fraction of second to keep it in the right position.

The S-64F is too much reactive to the wind and the stator not well balanced are the most difficult to handle, but with patience and at low sim rate, it’s doable relatively easier.

Good luck with the “bugs” (they aren’t at this point, but errors of programming. Bugs happen SOMEtimes :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:)!

A*s ‘o’ Bug (nickname for Asobo, since “Microsoft Bugs Simulator 2024” :sweat_smile:) sold an Alpha version, not even a Beta nor a Release Candidate

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Thank you again for the advice. Sadly I couldn’t try it out yet, run into again in a bug in the mission and just had enough from it :smiley: But the reduce sim rate is something I didn’t think about, great idea! Also it doesn’t allow you to start the mission if you don’t start both engines, but after start up it is easy to just shut off the second. The fly was similar like before, but it started flapping from the wind (there is thread about that), and again crashed on retry. Tomorrow I will give it another go.

Hi again!

Fly between the spots with both on Ground Idle, only use one to lift the load and then to put it in place in slow motion).

To set it on, move slowly very close to the ground, don’t try to be at the right level (to be low, even both at the same height is enough) and when the top and the base are at the same place (occupying the same space)
 the two parts stick together (not very realistic, but
) and stay “glued”.

You’ll only have to move up a little to fix the top in place.


That worked! Thank you very much for the advices! It was hell to keep it in one place at the building, but the low simrate and ground idle did the trick. I don’t quite think that we should lower sim rate just to be able to control the aircraft, but i guess this is what it is :slight_smile: Thank you again