Cant download boeing 737max

Hi Pilots
I have seen that the Boeing 737Max is now in Store on Xbox. So i immediatly buyed it. But i cant download it. The Game told me that my game version is old and must be minimum 1.16 but i have already the game version 1.18. Does anybody else have this issue? What can i do?

Thanks for helping me:)


I think the issue is that the Marketplace version of this aircraft hasn’t yet been updated to the most current one available at SimMarket and presumably heading to the Marketplace at some point in the future.

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a guy from our xbox community has the same issue with the EDDS airport.
The problem is that xbox and MSFS version numbers are different although it’s the same current game.

he is asking for a refund from microsoft now.

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I had the same problem but now notice that the plane has altogether vanished from the marketplace. Paid ÂŁ18 for it and I either want it back or a refund. A bit of a shambles right from the getgo.

Guys get refunds.
The 737 MAX is without doubt 100% GARRRRRRRRRRBAGE! I’m sorry I really am, but it is. On first release it was good… I even praised it. But now it is as above.

Be thankful its gone, get your money back!

How can i apply for a refund? because this aircraft is overpriced, is not working properly, and i feel like i was scammed.