Can't find clock in the 747-800

Don’t know where this fits so feel free to move it to another place.

I am doing a flight :airplane: using the 747-800, and I can’t seem to find the time or clock, does the 747-800 have one?


Isn’t there a clock button on the left side of the glareshield? Near the knob that you use for the display brightness or the map light.

Not sure, I’ll check!

I can’t find it, all light buttons, can you take a picture and show me please?

Huhh… I was looking at the PMDG 747-8i and it turns out it’s different in the Asobo one… Hahaha, my bad… I can’t show you mine because I uninstall the 747-8i since I exclusively fly Airbus.

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in the boing 747 cockpit now , no clock vissible…

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i’m not a 747 expert , but i think the clock should be on the middle screen , but the buttons to change that screen are all inop.

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I don’t do good as much with airbus lol 747 800 and 787-10 dreamliner are 2 ones I mainly use. I wish that MSFS would add more planes… I want to fly the dash 8-400

Nah, it’s better to wait for other third-party developer than Asobo. If you prefer Boeing, PMDG is developing their MSFS versions of their Boeing Aircrafts. While there’s no official announcement yet, but QualityWings “might” be developing their 787s into MSFS as well. But take it with the grain of salt.

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That’s an interesting question since on the 747-400, 767 and 777 it’s outside of each PFD.
Looking at 747-8 cockpit fotos this space is empty…

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I have just noticed that this model doesn’t have clock! Rly Asabo no clock? this Sim is a JOKE! CTD, black screens. Waste of money! Give me a break with this !

Do you have a photo where the clock is on the real 747-8?

Boeing stopped offering the mechanical clock some time during 777-300ER production. Only about a 3rd of our aircraft have them. The rest have small additions to the PFD screens, in the lower left and right corners. I’d assume the 747-8 would be the same.

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And where are the clock controls (or stopwatch) in this case?

ET 13:16…ouch and I thought 12hrs is already a looong time.
We didn’t even have crew rest comparments on our 767s!

The stopwatch replaces the elapsed time ET, when running. As for the controls in the -8, it’s a single button on the outside panel of the glairshield. First press starts the stopwatch, additional presses stop/start it again as needed. A quick double press clears the stopwatch and returns to ET.

As for the flight time, yeah, that was a long one. We’re “lucky” enough to have quite a few 15+ hour flights in our network. Some guys absolutely hate them, but strangely, I don’t mind them at all. I do sleep well wherever I am though, even onboard, so that helps.

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Thanx. So it’s similar to the A320 where it sits next to the FCU.

But at least you have a bed! Back in my time we were simply ‘resting’ behind a curtain in the cabin, most of the time in eco.

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Or you can have something handy like this in your pocket. :sunglasses:



Topic moved to #community:general-discussion-feedback

I guess also on central display in one of the settings it is displayed! Asobo just ignored it…