Ok, here is my lil rant/contribution.
Sorry if this has been already posted & shared & stuff, but at the moment of posting this im immediately going to sleep, so…bear with me…
First off, a preface. After a complicated download, for at august 18 at midnight i launched the manager and left it all night so it could download, it didn’t download a ■■■■ thing, so i had to retry, many times next afternoon/night, with installer freezing-crashing etc; until it got installed.
Then I decided to try the tutorial to get to know the controls, know first hand & in practice what button moves this, or increase that, all that stuff…and oh boy…
Putting aside that I very very fast found myself OUT of the fly practice zone, with no cue as to where I turned wrong or what the delimited practice area, the sad & annoying thing was how i kept crashing due to: when asked to increase throttle i didn’t get any extra thrust, no matter if the throttle was already pushed to the max, that i also pushed to max the mixture, or if i pulled throttle to zero for a couple seconds to push again to max- no change,i kept getting the command to increase while going down and down and down…
When prompted (next tuto) to pitch my nose down a lil under horizon and decrease my throttle to watch my tachometer and lower my RPMs, again nothing, even when i decreased to 8% throttle the ■■■■ tachometer didn’t move a millimetre, so i had to increase it eventually again…which was useless & to no avail since, again, even with full throttle and trying to pull my yoke reasonably to desperately I lost altitude and speed anyway and…you guessed it
After a dozen or so deads I decided to let it rest and headed here.
BTW I also noticed the artificial horizon being royally screwed too, for even when i had the plane fine with the horizon in good attitude nicely horizontal, the instrument kept leaning…marking, a huge turn, in my case to the left, forgot to get screen captures of my unfortunate flights, only the last 1, showing the tachometer not moving and the artificial horizon veryyyy wrong even if i was on a nice horizontal…in collision course aging due to no freaking speed and losing altitude, but horizontal.