The title speaks for itself.
I’m using the latest development version of the mod.
My simbrief user i.d. is correct in the A32nx E.F.B. settings menu
I logged into simbrief using the navigraph login method
Checked my user name and user i.d. in simbrief. All ok.
As far as I can see everything should be good to go. However, on the A32nx e.f.b. I click on the ‘Load from Simbrief’ button and … nothing.
If I go into navigraph charts and click on ‘New Flight’ and then choose ‘Load from Simbrief’ I am then presented with theNavigraph message announcing: “Use latest simbrief OFP? Simbrief username : ********* doesn’t seem to have any saved OFP.”
I suspect that may be the issue but how do I get around it? I do have plenty of saved flight plans in simbrief.
Any ideas?
Did you “generate” the OFP?
Must be done for every flight, whether it was already saved or not.
There is also a correct way to do the MCP.
So, start with the MCP.
Click on the MCDU menu, then on ATSU, in there, AOC menu, then Init/Pres.
Next go to “Init data req”, then AOC menu again.
Now select W/b, ofb request send, then boarding start.
Now from the MCP keys select INIT Request.
That should fill in the MCP.
Now go to the EFP and see if it works OK.
Hope I said all that correctly.
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Thanks for the reply @TheSevenflyer . I’ll try that. I seem to recall a while back that it did work just from the efb and loaded into the mcdu. Maybe it’s changed now .
Congratulations! You have just saved my sanity. I was pulling my hair out on that one. You are spot on with those instructions.
You have my gratitude by the bucket full.
Happy flying
Or fill almost everything in yourself.
I do as discribed above.
Then i set the fuel in the EFP.
Then from the INIT request i fill everything in from the flightplan. Airport dep/arr, flight name/number, cost index, cruise altitude and on the next page the block fuel (weights i fill in after the plane is loaded, because the ZFW changes during loading.)
Then i fill in the flightroute and after everything is loaded i fill in the ZFW/ZFWCG
After that i use the calculator app from to calculate the V1, V2 etc. Because i feel the autocalculator (pressing the buttons to load it in) are always wrong. No way a fuely loaded plane can takeoff in 15 seconds with a VR of 130
And then your off
@PSVwally Thanks for those tips. Duly noted
The calculator app from is not correct for the NEO. The takeoff speeds from the MCDU are much more accurate, though will not cover every situation.
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Found W/B but its gray for me and I can’t press it, do u know why?
These instructions are quite old, but are still good for entering the Init/Pres.
After that these instructions have changed has changed.
If you have the current version of FBW’s A320, the payload is now entered in the EFB, in the “Ground” tab (looks like a truck) in there, on the top right see “Payload”.