Can’t place parking spots anymore!! I design farm strips, we don’t have taxiways, it’s just a field! No problems placing before update7
new requirement with SU7 says all taxi parking must be linked to a network. It’s annoying I agree I would in the past not hookup parking spots I made too small for AI to spawn anyways but… whatevs.
Just lay a taxi path along the runway, designate it to the runway and hook the parking to it. Not really much work but yea a bit annoying to have to do now
I can´t even place a Taxipath… I do click on the add button and nothing happens.
Any ideas?
i know i gave up and don’t bother anymore life is too short to mess about needlessly. like i said if it ain’t broke don’t fix it
you need to place nodes, then select two and you can add a path between them. At least, that’s how I do it. I don’t mess with pathing much myself so if there is a more efficient way I haven’t found it yet
A much more efficient way was to just add a parking spot!! Neil
If anyone from Asobo is reading this PLEASE REVERT! Thanks
Sorry for the question but how do you place nodes?
Dam Asobo!
just select them in the drop down list (where you go for scenery objects, sim objects, polygons, etc) click the Add button and there you go. Oh wait, set them to Normal first since for some reason they like to be set to Hold Short or something by default even tho Normal is the first option. Go figure
Read the dev support forum, you will see it will be reverted in the next update (no more an error but it will be a simple warning). don’t expect help or support from this customers forum.
And anyway, you don’t have taxiway ok, but you can add taxipath without drawing them on the scenery, taxipath are use to give a path from parking to runway, not necessary to draw something. i don’t see the problem.
Until the next update???
or hotfix (as they said). a hotfix seems to be on the road on beta testing.
i’m working on an airport with more than 700 parking spot. because of this bug, i had to link 300 (all dock) of them to be able to save my work, so i know how this bug is annoying
That’s a different problem. The user here can’t place a parking space and have it connect to the prior selected node in the taxi path.
The issue you’re addressing is you can’t save an airport until all taxispots are connected to taxi paths. Different problem.
Yes, i understood that after posting, my mistake Anyway, my problem seems to be fixed by the update to come, it is a good news
I do agree that it is good news. That was a really horrible decision on their part to not allow saving with errors, for anything really. I’ve stopped developing airports because of all the issues. I’ve got 15 airports waiting for update and release, but, the instability in the SDK is holding me back from even wanting to open the scenery editor for fear of wrecking what I’ve developed.
Like I said `If it ain’t broke don’t fix it’!!
you could essentially be saving a corrupted file if it has errors in it, depending on how the file is loaded. Putting the responsibility of creating a clean file on the developer saves them time in having to work up a more robust file loading system, and I think we can all agree there are more important things they can put their time into right now. Would be nice tho to eventually be able to just save anything any time I agree
In that same vein, not hooking up parking to taxi can legitimately be considered a “broken” airport file since you’ll have AI aircraft spawning and then just disappearing when they attempt to taxi out. So now Asobo will have to field bug reports from users who don’t know why this behavior is happening. Again tho, to argue against myself I haven’t really seen any complaints about this
In the general case, this could be true, but it’s an extremely conservative choice that needs to be thoroughly thought through in every case. In the case of whether a parking spot is connected or not, if that’s a case that could cause a corrupted file, the SDK is extremely poorly written. A parking spot is an object, you could put a zero in the data for taxiway node goes and save the file, and it should not be corrupted. Not being able to save a file you just spent hours working on is extremely frustrating to say the least.
I wholeheartedly disagree with this line of thinking, and it should not be possible to corrupt a partially created scenery xml file in the process of saving it. Especially given how often the Scenery editor crashes. I NEED to save often.
I have zero problem with not allowing the package to be built if errors are detected. But I HAVE to be able to save my project at any point in time, no matter what, errors and all.
Why is TaxiwayPoints red when all paths and parkings areas are connected and hold short appointed?
Sorry, I don’t know. The scenery editor has been so unstable since SU6 I haven’t bothered to use it. As I noted elsewhere, I’ve got 15 airports I need to release/update that I can’t until it settles down and is usable again. The airports I have released work, so I’d rather they stay that way. I’m very afraid of my projects getting corrupted.
I have not fixed these errors in version “1.21.18”.