I bought it today thinking it was a good idea, but until now the Kodiak 100 seems to be just 100% frustration. The devs completely broke the checklist. The following points are not shown when pushing the eye symbol …
Control locks, Fuel Shutoff valve, Master Switch, Avionics Cooling Fan, Stall Warning Test,
Emergency Power Lever, Cabin Heat, Takeoff Torque Limit, Bus 1 Voltage (check), Checklist Oil Pressure, Ng,
=> When trying to push Starter off get “Waiting for engine combustion, before setting starter to OFF…”
And the starting process is over. Is there an update or patch available the resolve this complete chaos. Actually you cannot follow the checklsit of the Kodiak 100 but I need it since I do not know this aircraft at all. I am seriously thinking about refund because I cannot start it.
It is really annoying that starting cold+dark via internal checklist is such a mess. The internal checklist is practically worthless and confusing esp. for everyone who do not know the Kodiak 100 at all like me. Tbh I don’t want to look for a tutorial vid, watch it and listen you another Youtuber who loves to talk. I really want to start cold+dark 100% with the internal checklist. Is that the reason why there is such a huge discount for Kodaik 100?
Trying with Auto Completion will lead to hanging up at “Fuel selector”. What a chaos!
Restarting and using Auto Completion woll make it now hang at “All electrical equipment Off”. Is there at least anything working in this aircraft?
LOL and auto complete Fuel selector hangs too. Sorry but it seems the Kodiak 100 is completely broken.
I used to fly the Kodiak day and night when it was first released and I found that JayDee’s checklist worked just fine.
It was well aligned with real life YT videos and the POH, and I had watched plenty of these trying to learn the aircraft as best as I could. Generally I don’t always like JayDee’s checklists, some are better than others but this one seemed to be on the spot.
But to be honest that was before the latest updates which added engine stressing etc, so I don’t know if any of the procedures have slightly changed.
Other than that, if you want to delve into this magnificent aircraft, I find it absolutely mandatory to view some videos such as the entire series of:
Plus Mark Brown’s excellent presentation of course (he also has another video where he flies the aircraft):
ps: the SWS Kodiak 100 is far from broken. It’s an excellent implementation of an excellent aircraft. I haven’t flown it in a while but my only grump was its lack of state saving (and perhaps the assignment of some B var events). Other than that it was an amazing experience. But it takes some time to learn and it needs respect.
Sure there are a few “work arounds” but I want to know if I can start it with internal Checklist as it should be possible. Tbh I am not very fond of always looking for a Youtube Vid. But the Kodiak hangs very often at many auto complete points in the Checklist.
The Auto complete cant even push the fuel selectors to on.
I have no idea what autocomplete is. I never use the internal checklists in any aircraft. They’re almost always inferior to real life material or at least more specialized sim material you freely find on the Internet.
Auto Complete Page or Item is an action you can choose within internal checklist the publisher offered with the aircraft so you should be able to start it. But in the Kodiak 100 this list is completely broken that I wonder why do they offer something that is useless?
It could be worse? OMG! OK I could not start the Kodiak 100. If it is not getting better tomorrow I will refund it. Too bad but I am not willing to accept this banana software anymore.
It’s not hard to start without the checklist if you’re familiar with turboprops. Power, fuel selectors, pump, ignition, starter, condition to low when at the right N2.
Updates to the base sim alter the way the checklists operate and many things can break the autocomplete on the assisted checklists. It’s not just the Kodaik. Many 3rd party aircraft don’t even bother coding it at all - the MSFS checklists require some surprisingly hard coding to make work. SWS have been very busy getting thier PC-12 ready for release so haven’t had much time to look at these kind of QoL fixes I guess, but I know they will be doing a refresh at some point.
I suggest rather than relying on autocomplete, perhaps using tool-tips & lock interaction mode to learn the cockpit and do the actions yourself. It’s actually pretty easy to start any turboprop once you know the ‘why’ of each action. But I also suggest you turn off engine damage realism until you get familiar as you can quite easily blow the engine.
the kodiak was a great plance…once
now, with the bksq 850 and the fsr500 the bar has risen considerably…
what i never understood was why have CBs if there were no failures to trigger them…
Just turn on tool tips, and it will take you 5min to familiarize yourself in the cockpit.
Ppl these days want to master any plane in the world in 23sec. If they can’t they get frustrated…
Yes, the in-game checklist works fine in the Kodiak, and if you follow it, it will start the A/C.
Though I haven’t tried them nowhere as extensively as I did the Kodiak, I’ll admit they’re both better implementations. But as a slightly different a/c type, as the Kodiak is such a fresh and unique machine in every aspect.
I too don’t like its lack of failures of CBs, I absolutely HATE the lack of full state saving (which I believe should be a must in every single aircraft costing above $20, heck even the free JPL C152 has it), yet the overall package is excellent and was/is well received by many simmers.
However the issue described here with checklists and how to start the aircraft etc has got nothing to do with all the above. It sounds to me like lack of patience and possibly willing to learn how to do things properly.
the fact that i say the kodiak WAS a great plane once, says a lot about how far we´ve come within the last two years, btw. it IS a great plane, but the industry has come a long way in the past 18 months.
i started with fs95, and at the risk of sounding like an old person: whining about how msfs has the flaws it has, one (not you guys!!) should imagine what we had “back then”
As a matter of fact, i remember an article in the german PC Games where the editor prognosed the death of flightsims, calling them " eine nische, in der eine kleine anzahl an usern jeder noch so kleinen veröffentlichung entgegenfiebert".
It’s still my favourite plane in the sim (shh, don’t mention this in the FSR500 thread).
I’m hoping it will get a significant uplift as part of the work on the Kodiak 900. State saving is less of an issue for me, but I’d happily pay for a proper failure module with the associated systems depth.
someday we’ll have push button start Boeings. I mean there’s only like what two, three planes you don’t need to do more than turn the battery then turn the key?
You dont got me. I really appreciate the realism e.g. in PMDG Boeing 737 which is my alltime fav. But the internal checklist has to work. I expect that from the devs.
Meanwhile I demanded a refund. And if Xbox will not cooperate I will ask Paypal who helped me in the past once already.