I’m not able to start the engines. Not sure what I miss, but here is a video. Anyone where who can see what I’m doing wrong?
I’m not able to start the engines. Not sure what I miss, but here is a video. Anyone where who can see what I’m doing wrong?
wait till on the on N2 (eng2) stands “avail” (available) then you may start eng 1.
Hmm… it looks like the outside temperature is too cold for an engine start. Without the IR being aligned I can’t look at the Static Air Temperature in the lower ECAM…
Note that the engines won’t start if the outside is temperature is at below -40 C.
Thanks for the tip. However the N2 never fully start. It stops around 25 % and the PSI never reach above 4.
Thanks for the tips. The outside temp was around -15 celsius. I tried to wait until the IR was aligned, but with the same result.
Yeah, that is so weird… Try to recheck your general settings again. Just to do a bit of housekeeping. It may not be related, but can’t hurt to double and triple check.
Judging by your start procedure, it looks like you’ve done everything right. There’s enough fuel. the pumps are on, and the APU bleed is on. um… try to turn on all the Anti-Ice switches. See if that helps.
You’re doing everything correctly. The pumps don’t seem to come. This has to be another mod or custom livery interfering with the A32NX. Please remove all other mods or custom liveries and try again.
This often occurs from a mod conflict, even sceneries or liveries.
Remove all else from your community folder and give it a try.
(or rename it and make a new Community folder if you have a lot in it and just put the A320mod in the new one).
The sim will also make a new Community folder when you start the sim, if it doesn’t see it there, but it will be too late to put the A320mod into it then.
Thanks for all the help. I removed all the other mods and now it seems to work. Also noticed that I forgot to turn of the external power before. However that dosnt seem to be the problem.
No that won’t hurt.
Put them back in, bit by bit, until you find the culprit!
I also had this one or two times
I deleted the A32NX in the community folder and installed the lastest version via the downloader.
After that … never had an issue
May be it helps ?
Isnt there a list by now of what 3rd party addons affect the startup of FBW A320 ?
Im having a devil of a time with this. It worked then it didnt then it did, now it doesnt. Why is there no CTRL E feature (autoStart) so we dont have to check to see then start all over when it doesnt. Afterall the aircraft is started when you spawn on the runway with any and all add ons ! ? Is Fenix the answer … anyone ? or more of the same.
Do you use all 3rd party addons now ? please list if you would so we know what works…
I have of course done the uninstall and re download of the A320 module to no avail.
Can you describe what is happening?
I doubt the Fenix is the answer, although it is a very well created aircraft.
It certainly doesn’t appear to be the mods I have removed everything from my community folder I have changed the interaction from legacy to modern done all the things appropriate from all the things I’ve read it’s intermittent this last for months and something changes and it works currently it does not for me.
The interesting thing is on the fly pad I noticed there’s profiles available where you can actually have the system start the aircraft ready for taxi ready for pushback ready for takeoff none of those get to the point where the engines are running what does that tell you.
Please bring up some method of starting the engines since spawning to the runway has the engine started it doesn’t make sense to me.
Which version of the A32NX do you use? Stable or development?
Also: it is recommended that you turn off ALL MSFS assistant settings, also turn off infinite fuel and these kinda things.
Done all that tried both versions right uninstalling both versions reinstalling each version it’s a mystery the interesting thing is the fly pad has the profiles which will get the engine started supposedly but it runs in the same issue that I do doing it manually what that issue is I don’t know why it stopped who knows why it started who knows… Thanks for the reply
As I mentioned I tried starting engines in some manually and tried to fly pad with the profiles neither thing works. Obviously the fly pad profile has all of the switches and buttons accurately set up there’s no no action on either engine no spooling up no spinning nothing, no gauges changing from zero. If we could just press a button on the fly pad profile saying start me at the runway ready to go engine started after all else fails. But that doesn’t really help us start the engines at our own which is half the fun.
It has worked it has worked in the past I promise.
Could you please try that: