Can't Tune ATIS frequency below 118.000

Maybe I’m overlooking something obvious here, but, the ATIS frequency at LIEO (Olbia Costa Smeralda Airport is 113.900. Verified from various sources and reported by Navigraph Charts.

I’m in the CRJ 700 and I can’t tune a frequency below 118.000 per the documentation. I tried to use the in game ATC dialog and there is no ATIS option available to select.

If I’m overlooking something really obvious, I would appreciate a clue.

Note: No, I’m not using developer mode. Zendesk ticket #99720.


That radio band is usually reserved for VOR / ILS beacons, if I am not mistaken.
There are some stations that have their ATIS tied on of those frequencies. Instead of the usual morse code you’d get the ATIS.

So its accurate that you might not tune it through the com, try tuning the VOR to it and listen to that?

I doubt MSFS has an ATIS simulated on that channel for LIEO though.

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I did give that a try. Activated and turned up the volume on NAV1…nothing heard. Not even the Morse code. I’m attempting in a couple of additional aircraft now. However, I suspect that you’re right about MSFS not having ATIS simulated on that channel.

It’s a little annoying that I bought this airport from Marketplace and I can’t even get airport weather.

Appreciate the reply.

I tried it in the steam gauge C172 (stock airport, not the one from the store) and had the same issue, no Morse code or ATIS.


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