Career CTD after patch

Same issue on Xbox series x. Quite frustrating

If relevant, provide additional screenshots/video:
• I have an account with „crew off“ before the update and before the next day was issued that still works.

  • another account with „Crew on“ with an owned planes crashes.
  • worked yesterday right after the patch. Recurring Crash came with next day. So assuming it’s linked to the pop up about passive earrings when you have had a crew enabled or something close to that action.

P.S. seems like career mode is deactivated now by devs. After latest restart with fresh cache career mode is locked and can’t be entered furthermore. At least no more crash ^^

Great that you posted it EXACTLY when the maintenance started! Nice, now I have to do my Spec flight again! How about some warning next time?!

Great… THX
On the other hand… I’m going to take photo of the world)

Ah great! I was just finishing a cargo flight of 2 hrs… Just saw a ‘S’ for the mission, but none in XP or Credits… apparantly also not saved as well.

Great work!

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Just finished my 2 hour flight. I didn’t get any end of mission stats. I wondered and looked at the forum. Maintanance, thanks! :disappointed_relieved:

And under the Usertag Menu the Career Level of mine is 1 now.
But was something around lvl 60

i got an update, they fixed it, i have now a lock on the Career mode, can’t use it anymore :slight_smile:
So they do maintenance now :thinking:

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Well it’s better if they fix it asap. Take a hit for the community


well rip my 90min flight and all the experience. a little more heads up would be nice or at least in game notice

Absolutely - I wish a succesful flight in career mode for everybody!

But it’s from an ‘IT provider’ perspective strange that without a warning ‘a service’ is not available all of a sudden.

(But indeed, kudos that they find it so quickly, and solve it immediately, without pushing large updates)

It works guys wow

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They got the money now, they will not be short on budget :rofl:

It’s already working

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Jep - I am also again in my HQ planning a new flight.

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Same here… I played and cant entry career mode now

It is working again

Same, I haven’t been able to fly my Grand Caravan since i got it.

You need to restart the game if you still see the lock.

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