Career CTD after patch

Seems ok now on my side too, thanks debug team !


Wow and the first time I got passive income… or better outcome - 2600Cr

Same 63k gone

only ?? :)) got 2 days in a row about -135 k…so 270 k in expenses for no reason what so ever and no flight time

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Well then I´m lucky :smiley:

It’s working now!!

I fixed my own Career mode CTD by clearing out my community folder in 2024…

Can confirm all working again now. No crashes on the hangar in career mode. Thanks Devs.

Working again, no CTD so far when loading career :smiley:

Also, there was no CTD, but they have now switched to the career server. I had a two-hour flight and got no money. Thanks for that.

Now I get the message that the career servers are offline.

Nice job, guys! This is how it must be done. All works now

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Does anybody had any update pack or … ??
And if anybody tried their company …if the plane(s) are manageable and have any freelancer missions ?
Cause i dont…

Then go to the main menu, and maybe you will get the same message I got.

it’s UP ! Career ON :slight_smile:

nope same thing … restarted the game twice

Then the server in Europe is down

No they work fine (Europe)

Then I will restart the game :slight_smile:

maybe…og well…at least its working something.
even so, i can agree MS they hurried this time and did a good job

I had a few ctd before the update but during missions, never a problem when entering career mode