The second company costs substantially more than the first because your first company gets a starter plane for a 90% discount. Here is a chart I made and posted to reddit showing the minimum cost for the companies and the aircraft you have to buy. I think Cargo is the next cheapest and costs roughly 240K. If you have the money you should have the ability to buy more companies.
I just did something last night, maybe the IFR training that allows me to change the time of day on the map screen that shows the missions. I don’t have the night flight license yet so maybe I can’t actually take them but I do have the option to change time of day on my screen
Do the flights by my crew cause wear to the aircraft? Because if yes, I’m curious about what’s gonna happen if I don’t play for a longer time. Will the crew just ruin my aircraft?
I would imagine that eventually, they will wear them into the ground to the point of a failure which causes a crash. Even with crew flying them, you will be required to perform maintenance duties quite often.
I encountered a problem in career mode. After purchasing a second-hand Cessna 172, I accidentally crashed it while completing a mission. As a result, my company is nearly bankrupt, and I am forced to take on lower-paying tasks. Now, I can’t afford to repair the previous aircraft or buy any new ones. Can anyone provide some tips on making money in career mode?
Yeah I wonder what does happen after several days of being offline. I got 3 planes and 3 companies and while I was sleeping with PC off they earned me 150k and did 25% wear on the planes. At least that what it said.
What was weird was that my VIP flights only earned around 3-4k per flight while cargo was the one earning more. Yet all VIP flights I can take are around 2h long and should be paying A LOT more than just 3k.
Also, with night license passed, has anybody found a way to do a night flight?
I believe you get paid once for all your companies in a real time 24 hours. Probably just have to wait longer. I don’t know if there is a specific time that 24 hours hits, if it’s based on a server time, or something locally on your PC. Probably some server time I’d guess.
I just crashed one of mine as well due to extreme winds on landing. It was a 1 star difficulty missions but those winds on landing were not 1 star winds. wasted two hours of flight time and all my excess funds in career.
Frustrated me to the point where I might not play it for the rest of the day, or at least until tonight. I wonder what a complete newbie would thing landing in those wind conditions.
Maybe I should just do photo challenges or something and see if they address the matter. I have seen far more experienced simmers/pilots than I complain that the turbulence and winds on landing seem extreme.
Well don’t you have real time weather on? The winds in Europe right now are pretty insane.
Btw. for crew cargo missions, did you have to relocate your airplane for it to work, or just turn it on wherever and it will sort itself out?
Real life winds show 10 MPH right now in that area of Northern Illinois. What is the point of difficulty ratings for missions if live weather can turn a 1 star mission into a 3 star or 4 star mission?
I am not sure about the other question. I had to relocate the plane to start the mission and when I crashed I think it sent it back to the original airport.
The wind is in Prague 2kts. METAR LKPR 241830Z VRB02KT CAVOK 06/04 Q1020 NOSIG=. Huricane conditions are just in the sim.
Yeah i haven’t figured as well how to move the plane to the airport of the mission. I just have to transfer it and pay for the transfer instead of flying it there myself.
Yeah, my vision jet was struggling with the winds yesterday, either exceeding the max crosswind component or giving me windshear on landing, luckily the engine spools fast when I hit the TOGA switch.
That is exactly my same doubt… it seems that there are still many errors and the career mode is incomplete… I already have all the certifications and almost all the specializations and even when I try to fly at night there are no night flights, they are all in the morning or in the afternoon but never at night and even though I have a million credits accumulated I still can’t buy more companies because it appears that the airplane part available for purchase is in red… I don’t understand what I’m omitting, they should put a guide or a more elaborate tutorial when starting career mode… greetings to all
I also think they should add the option of having to create your own flight plan because it is confusing that the map marks one route and the blue lines another different one, you don’t know which one to take so as not to lose points, even though it is VFR they take away points if you don’t follow the established route… They should have an option for one to have more freedom when doing missions, doing them flying wherever I want with my own flight plan, respecting the rules without having to follow a line so as not to lose points.
I am now convinced Passive income is once every 24 hours. But, I had both my FlightSeeing and Cargo planes set for Crew On and even though I got a pop up saying I got passive income my balance did not go up at all.
In other news, I may wait a bit for them to iron out some kinks in career. All my flying time in career mode today (pushing 3 hours or more) was for naught. As mentioned, high winds caused me to crash during landing after a 2 hour flight. I used all my money repairing the plane. I then waited for my passive income boost to try another mission and, also as mentioned, passive income did not bump up my total at all.
I decided to do a Charter mission anyway. 150 NM or so in a Cessna. 1.5 hours of mission time. I am coming in for a landing at the end and as soon as my wheels hit the runway the game crashed.
It was a bad day in career mode. Lost a bunch of credits, lost reputation and wasted 3 hours of time in the process.
I had my AT-802 do two fire fighting missions, it generated 37k passive income, and while it did say the 25% thing, the actual wear (given most of it had new parts) was more like <2.5%, so they may have misplaced a decimal point, that said the wear on the new parts looked substantially less than 2.5%, like ~1%.