Career mode: PC-12 cannot be used for medium cargo mission


Description of the issue:

[PC Only] Did you remove all your community mods/add-ons? If yes, are you still experiencing the issue?

no mods installed


How often does this occur for you (Example: Just once, every time on sim load, intermittently)?



Please list clear steps you took in order to help our test team reproduce the same issue:

  1. When you start medium cargo mission you’ll see aircraft selection window.
  2. You cannot select the existing PC-12 here. Only the Caravan is offered
  3. The PC-12 is also not listed in the “Buy aircraft” tab, likewise only the Caravan


not relevant

Addendum: the same problem seems to exist with the Cessna jets. Here, too, they are not available for selection in the VIP missions.

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Do you have the same issue if you follow the OP’s steps to reproduce it?
• same issue.

Provide extra information to complete the original description of the issue:
• As well as for Cessna citation cj4 or longitude in VIP missions or pilatus in medevacs.
When in the company overview I can see that my 172 cargo says cargo and my pilatus says cargo - empty.

If relevant, provide additional screenshots/video:


I am also having this same issue. I sold my 208 Caravan in order to buy this plane and now cannot do medium cargo jobs.


Having the same issue. Sold the 208 to buy the PC12 and now I can’t fly medium cargo missions.


Nor can PC-12 be used for Medevac after purchase, after my painful grind for 5M credits…
I guess the devs just fake added the PC-12 as a grind bait and did not put any actual effort into making the PC-12 usable.

I am gonna quit Career Mode for now. What a gigantic disappointment, that even the extremely limited content in the Career Mode doesn’t work half the time.
And the big geniuses at Asobo think not of putting the not even half done Career Mode into a beta economy so players don’t have to grind for something not working, and more importantly players can find all the bugs glitches and not workings way faster…


Same issue.

Also applies to medevac missions.

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Same issue.

This appears to be fixed with the patch today. However, now I’m getting messages about mission failure due to oxygen depletion at cruising altitude.

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Well, they broke the career mode with the ‘patch’ at least for so many of us that it’s already logged as a bug. It may break for you, it did for me on the second mission after the patch.

That was first one I tried. We’ll see what happens later.

I have the oxygen depleted error on missions in the PC-12 as well.

Any work around?

Hello @Wes4408 ,

Have you tried restarting the mission to see if it just needs to be refreshed? Does this happen when you are in free flight with the PC-12?

It appears to me that the pressurization system is not modeled/functioning in the PC-12 at this point, so you’ll have to fly it at oxygen-safe altitudes generally no higher than 10,000-ish feet (unsure what the limit is in MSFS exactly) until that is working.

After today’s update full map PC-12, it’s hard to find 208.
From one extreme to the other.

I think 12-13,000ft is ok in the sim.
The C208 does fine at that altitude, so the PC-12 should do fine as well.

edit: Just missing 2 cargo flights before buying a PC-12. Looking forward to a bit more speed.

Yeah agreed, 12,000 also correlates to FAA regulations.

Did you manage to complete any missions with the PC12 Medevac even as an employee?

I tried flying one of those but the mission always fails from oxygen deprivation. I assumed it was the non existent pressurization system

It seems I can push it up to FL180. Sometimes I can get FL210, but FL220 seem to trigger it after a while. Not entirely accurate to real life since hypoxia typically kicks in around the low 10000-FL180, but if you are below FL180 you can fly VFR anyways. Less ATC yapping.

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Did you manage to complete any missions with the PC12 Medevac even as an employee?

I have not personally done a medevac mission with it but I have completed a medium cargo mission that was approximately 1.5 hours of flight time by staying at a lower altitude.

It seems I can push it up to FL180. Sometimes I can get FL210, but FL220 seem to trigger it after a while

Interesting, I was planning to test at some point but didn’t feel like sinking in time for something that should eventually get fixed. I’ve received the warning at FL200 before, might be dependent upon other variables within MSFS’s coding of atmospheric pressure.

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I have.
Anyway, this has been fixed by the most recent update. I can now select Medevac missions with PC12.
And haven’t encountered any ‘oxygen deprivation’ issues. But the FMS/GPS mode does not work is the new problem I have encountered, so it is bit painful to fly all these long distance Medevac run by HDG mode…

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