Carenado Archer II is inbound

Excellent write up @SkipTalbot, and most informative!

With regards to the missing FFB in the sim, there are two very informative threads here:

Basically you would want to get yourself an old MS Sidewinder FFB2 joystick and a little programm called “XPForce”.
It is not perfect, and by a long shot, but it gives you control forces increasing in strength with airspeed.
I really have grown to have this kind of feedback from the plane in different phases of flight. Just adds so much to the immersion when the controls get all mushy during flare, or feel heavy spring loaded during a fast descent. Not to mention to having the yoke in your lap if trim is all the way back.

P.S. Once we have ray tracing (praying :pray:), screenshots from MSFS will be indistinguishable from real life :grin: