Carenado Mooney M20R Ovation

Really? I am a little bit hesitant, since the C182T was kind of a downer


Found it! I can’t wait to fly it later.

Looks like I might have to go for that one. One of my go to aircraft in P3D.

The video is 720P (Why not HD?) and the instruments and all around look blurred. Do you have another link?

That’s what the person recorded it in. I’m sure some of the usual FS YouTubers will be showing it in short order. Gonna give it a bit to see before I throw down the bucks.

Yeah, it’s the only one so far. 720p unfortunately. And it’s weird because the thumbnail on YoutTube is an F-14, lol

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From the video it looks like you can retract the landing gear. So far in this sim, there is no aircraft with:

Steam Gauges
A Prop (Blue) Lever
Retractable Landing Gear

I think I might try it out.


Just picked this up as well. Don’t usually go for Carenado planes but thought I’d take a chance on this one. Glad I did. Really nice! The sounds and feel are great :+1:


Couldn’t wait. It’s like a warm blanket.

It does not come with a checklist. Does anyone know where to find a checklist for this DLC?

There is documentation here:
I am ashamed to admit that even with this, I can’t get the engine to start :cold_sweat:

I got the engine to start but only by running the fuel boost before starting the engine.

Battery on, fuel selector to left, I pulled the mixture to 0%, regular (black button) fuel boost on, turned the key to start, and pushed the mixture in slowly and it started. Turned fuel boost off after.

Can’t get avionics started though.

Okay, I figured it out. Thanks for the instructions. Not sure what I did wrong earlier - must have flooded the engine.
I also experience a few frames less than vs default aircraft. Is that also your experience?
I’m at like 40 with default and mid 30’s in this plane, starting in the same location for testing.

Realy sweet aircraft

I have just two small problems on my first flight:
– how i set a climbrate in autopilot with alt hold on 5000ft? Its hard to manage the ALT Knob (clickspots for press and rotate are to close/ it is not possible to press the knob without rotate it)
– as i was flown in autopilot on NAV (VOR/not GPS) or APR (ILS) the Airplane do not hold a straight curse. it swings from right to left without staying on course

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How do you start the avionics?

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Hello fellows pilot for those with a problem with the avionics not powering up i also had this problem i restarted MSFS reloaded the flight and they where working must be a glitch but other then that a real beautiful aircraft

I also noticed that my camera gets into a state where I can no longer look left or right.

This made my week. The Mooney has been my favourite plane since FS2000. :+1:t2::grin:


Wow, this thing is sweet! The only issue I have found is the NAV mode of AP oscillates back and forth following the route or VOR. Also great that it has a working DME!

Between 10/29/20 and 12/08/20 The Mooney Ovation had multiple crashes to the desktop when interacting with basic systems. Buyer beware. Asobo makes major version/breaking changes to core APIs, and Carenado is not responding to those changes. There appears to be no clearly-communicated SLA from either company, and in this case it took over a month to fix.

I purchased the Mooney M20R from the marketplace and I have some information about it.

The Mooney is the only aircraft in the game with all of the following:

  • A Prop (blue) Lever
  • Retractable Landing Gear
  • Steam Gauges

The Goods

The Mooney uses Steam Gauges, not the G1000:

The Mooney has a Throttle/Prop/Mixture lever setup:


The mixture affects the cylinder head temperature and the engine gas temperature as expected. The throttle affects the manifold pressure and the prop affects the RPM, similar to in other aircraft with these 3 levers. The gauges all appear to work correctly. If you start on the runway at an airport with a high altitude, you will need to quickly set the mixture or your engine will stop.

The landing gear can be retracted. The single engine is quite powerful and the aircraft can climb and travel very quickly! It has 3 levels of flaps and it handles quite well when controlled by hand.

The aircraft can display static elements when parked. These are controlled from an iPad accessible by clicking the yoke.

Version 1.1

Version 1.1 fixes the hat switches.


The auto-pilot oscillation seems to have been fixed as well, at least when I tested it.

Things Not Fixed

The barometer adjustment appears to be far too sensitive. You it jumps around 3-5 when you just barely click the control.

On this same theme, the trim is also extremely sensitive, setting a trim to a value between 0.0 and 0.1 (just clicking the trim button on my stick a few times) causes the aircraft to fly into a near vertical climb and stall out.


When talking to ATC just after takeoff on a direct VFR flight (Request Flight Following) the “type” of the aircraft is just a blank, so it reads “is type ,” whereas it should be “is type Mooney,”

When looking at the aircraft in the hangar, there are people inside the aircraft already.

After the update to version 1.1, this aircraft is pretty much my go-to aircraft.