Carendo M20R Mooney altitude preselector isn’t working

I broke out the M20R yesterday and found that the altitude preselector isn’t working. I did Google it but don’t see anyone else reporting it. Now I’m sure I could be doing something wrong, so if anyone could give it a try I’d appreciate it.

all good here. No problems with the altitude selector.
This is how you can change altitude with AP/FD engaged.
1-set your desired altitude in the altitude selector.
2-Push the ARM-button

3-The aircraft’s initial vertical speed is 500ft/min
4-You need to press the smallest altitude selector knob to switch the mode from ‘altitude’ to ‘vertical speed’ . Then you can adjust your VS

Hope it is clear somehow


Thanks for taking the time and pictures. The problem I’m having is I can’t push the small knob on the preselector. I didn’t know if the new gps was causing a problem. I guess I should do a uninstall/reinstall on the Mooney. Thanks again!

My Mooney worked OK last time I tried it, but that was before SU11 so I don’t know if that’s changed anything?
Hopefully a reinstall will work for you.

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I flew the Mooney yesterday and was able to push the small knob using my mouse (using a PC)

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If you have the beta Working Title 530 from the marketplace, this causes issue on many aircraft.

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Either switch from lock mode to legacy mode or learn how to switch the push button in lock mode.

I believe it’s either right click + middle click or right click + left click

Can confirm. With the Mooney it only started working once i had removed the WT 530 from my content library.

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Thanks for confirming. I haven’t had the chance to get back on, you saved me from doing a reinstall.

Many things arent working right in the Mooney anymore… Carenado have told me that they will be releasing an update “in the coming months”, whatever that means…
With Carenado, you’re in a world of hurt.


Took the Mooney out of the hangar the last few days and I am having an issue with the altitude also. Dialed it in for a pre-selected altitude and the Arm button does not work. Once i engage the VS button, it shows armed as well. The other problem is that upon reaching the selected altitude, it keeps on heading up towards the heavens, and only stops when i press Altitude Hold. I deleted any mods except for the GTN 750. Not sure what to do next or what the issue could be.

If I have time later I’ll give it a try and let you know what I find.

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Pushing the arm button didn‘t work for me, but after setting a climb rate it worked. Only it didn‘t stop climbing, it only showed alert…

Yup, goes right past the set altitude. I usually ‘hand fly’ my AP in small GA aircraft, so I just manually dial back the VS as I reach altitude and engage hold. As soon as you mess with VS it just disregards set altitude completely. That same unit in the V35 does some weird blurry numbers you can’t read and is very hard to operate smoothly. Not a huge fan of that AP, but usually not flying any particularly complicated navigation techniques in the M20/V35/337. I remember my father’s Archer II with Loran and single axis AP, so I consider manual settings for altitude good 'nuff. I haven’t flown the 337 in a while which has the same unit IIRC, will try that tonight. Maybe try the Bonanza’s (if you can read it/I have to zoom in on it with a 55" tv) or any other Caranado that uses it and see if it’s limited to just the Mooney.

There was an update for the GPS I installed today. The altitude preselector and altitude capture is working for me. Dial the new altitude. Click VS button, click the inner knob on the right and turn to set vertical speed. Click ARM button.

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Yes, it is working now. Too bad Carenado’s documentation document for the altitude preselector doesn’t fit the actual way it works… You obviously have to engage VS first, set a climb/sink rate and then arm the desired target altitude. I found this document. On pages 4 and 5 the altitude preselect procedures are explained.

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Saw a video months ago that explained this method. So it isn’t new.

Was the update new as of today? Or is it the one from a week or so ago?

It was new as of the day I posted that. I guess two days ago now.

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