CDI needle is off point?

Today I see the CDI needle is lined up ok but the MFD map shows me being off route by a fair distance - is this caused by a bug or something? It usually works ok.

Daher TBM 930 G3000

Apologies for the picture quality - for some reason this week my X-Box is refusing to let me take screenshots, pressing the button now records a clip :frowning: Controller mapping is still correct.

This has happened to me so many times and seems to be a problem that never gets corrected. I’ve had it worse at times to the point of having my plane Icon being 2 or even 3 times its width off the magenta line. In these cases I still end up where I need to be, so no big fowl.

I have wondered if this kind of discrepancy is the same type we’ve likely all experienced with ILS landings. It works as it should but it tries to put you down a few to several metres off of the centre line, even having you land before you reach the threshold.