Cessna 152, no full speed on engine after update or

I started the simulator today after approximately two weeks of break.
Two updates were installed, and

After the update the binding for the fuel valve in Cessna 152 was not working any more, so I had to re-bind it.

Now I am facing the issue, that even with full throttle and rich mixture the engine won’t speed up properly. I remains at a stable 1500 rpm, which is too low for takeoff.

Please find a cockpit screenshot attached.

I would be glad if anybody has a hint.
In general, I must admit that I am disappointed that the UI was changed AND that these changes obviously impact my settings.

Best regards,

I just noticed the following behavior: when I keep the right mouse button pressed while being “in cockpit view” the engine speeds up “as usual”. As soon as I release the right mouse button the engine speed drops down again.

I checked in the key bindings for the mouse and removed all assignments for the RMB. However the “issue” (bug?!) still remains.